Laser Cutter Rotary Tool

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We've got a shiny new laser cutter now, and if you've used it you will know that it is AWESOME! If you haven't used it yet, you will soon know of its awesomeness.

For more awesome, what we really need is a rotary attachment so we can engrave cylinders, maybe even cones.

Just Add Sharks can supply us with two different sorts of rotary attachments, either a wheel type for £300, or a chuck type for £350. The wheel type can only handle perfect cylinders, but the chuck can handle cones as well. They have also kindly said that they will import it in their next shipment, so no shipping costs either!

So, I'm proposing that we pledge for the chuck type. There is a discussion on the Google group.


Pledge Drive

Who How Much Paid? Method Paid
James Hayward £50 No
Kai Pays £20 Yes bank xfer Laser-rotary-KP
Kate Bolin £10 No
Robert Hunt £10 No
Adam Froggatt £10 No
James Fowkes £20 No
Martin Tebbatt £10 No
Derek Stonall £10 No