Hackspace 2.5/Fundraising/Meeting 2015-12-09

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Meeting 2015-12-09

Fundraising Methods

One-time Fundraisers

Note: * means "new"

One-time fundraising - Pledge drives - Loans from members - Selling kits - Commercial loans* - Lottery grants* - Accessability grants* - Arts council grants* - Creative quarter grants* - Crowd funding campaign* - Sponsorship

   -   Kitronik
   -   Ragworm
   -   Games Workshop
   -   Princes Trust

- Fundraising party (Jan 22/) - Band packing in Morrissons

Regular Income

- Membership dues

   -   Increasing average
   -   Grow membership
       -   Recruiting at events
       -   Adverts in Left Lion, Nottingham Post
       -   Make an effort to get media coverage for events
       -   Mayoral visit
       -   Robert Lewellyn

- Workshops

   -   Tutorials
   -   Lectures / talks
   -   Renting out the classroom

- Events (selling badges etc) - Snackspace - Donations boxen - Materials shop* - Member marketplace*

   -   HS branded clothing
   -   Patches / stickers etc.
   -   Sales of member-made things


- Lottery grant application

   -   Sue Dickinson already did most of the paperwork!
   -   Applying for £9974
   -   Four month lead time to get money, in which time we might not be able to start work
   -   For: lighting, electric, int. doors, security, accessibility
   -   TO DO: send application to trustees for review / completion / sending!

- Accessibility grant:

   -   Mouse: Ask David Hayward how it works as he was confident we wualify at the AGM
   -   Russell: to ask friend who knows about that sort of thing

- Arts council grants

   -   Mouse: Ask Becky B about the process & document
   -   John Bell: Ask a friend who knows

- Creative quarter grants

   -   James Hayward: To investigate with creative quarter people

- Mouse: Arrange meeting to discuss sponsorship - Fundraising party

   -   Kirsty: Events team to organise

- James Hayward: Raising average dues - Growing the membership

   -   Joe Naber & Froggy to co-ordinate membership Team / comms team / events team

- More workshops

   -   Events Team already on it

- Toby, Ian D: Make new fancy donations boxen - Materials shop & Marketplace

   -   Resources team?
   -   Daniel S: to add to agenda for member meeting

- Put into the Xmas newsletter:

   -   Rewards pledge request
   -   Awareness raising about fundraising
   -   Get involved

Crowdfunding details & tasks

- Strapline: "Blank space to Hackspace"? - Toby: Look at crowdfunding blurb - Mouse: Which service to use

   -   Indiegogo
   -   Go Fund Me
   -   Just Giving

- Rewards

   -   All: Want volunteers -  edit wiki page

- When: Launch at fundraiser party? (many ayes) - Mouse: What durations are permitted by different crowdfunding services? 3 months seems desirable - Mouse: Contact computerphile guy & setup meeting - Crowdfunding campaign as a recruiting campaign for "country members"? - Daniel & Froggy: Call meeting to decide layout / goals for new space - Rob: Timelapse of Saturday work