Adam Froggatt [8:09 PM]
Read the link
Reminder to mute your meeting minutes channel if watching on slack and in the room
Alex Wells reacted with :joy:
£657 quid on electric last month. Turn off the lights
We were up £1,130 last month
TSB changeover
only 64 members left paying into the Natwest account
This is approx £440 as of last month
these members have no had their RFID access disabled
There membership will terminate in January
*Action Matt Lloyd* send list of non-transferred people to Membership team
*Team Updates*
Point of action: chair is a 'shitbag' [sic]
Metalworking team - Have tidied up and are working on fixing the table saw
Request to all teams to update as per the email
Email format and timing to be reviewed for improvement
Kate B - Would like there to be a wheelchair accessible storage space
Current wheelchair users are having issues with suitable storage space
Suggested space is next to 3D printers
General consensus is yes
CNC Mill pledge
Initial target was 2k
Pledge raised £1,070 from just over 20 members
Trustees feel we're not in a position to donate £1k of hackspace funds, due to possibilities of downstairs space, percentage of the members who pledged, etc
School has updated that another offer has been made
Chris has offered today to purchase the mill outright and long term loan back to the space
Other offer is £2k plus VAT for CNC, and £750 unspecified for the 3D printer
3D printer available from the school is a commercial level printer
no interest expressed by any member for it(edited)
David Clarke had explained possible delays to the school at the visit previously, so only just reached a point where other buyers may be coming in
Inductions and RFID tool access would be in place
along with long term loan rules
Option mooted by Matt L: use the money offered by Chris as a loan and pay it back over time
First floated here, currently under discussion
Chris suggests a charge for the machine, this means the hackspace budget wouldn't be affected
James H - How long a term
Chris - No expected term
Option to repay initially from the pledge
David H - Do we have historical data on pledges
all - normally about 80/90%
Michael E - Some people may now be either/or due to this and the Hackspace 2.5
Option to take all the money as a loan from Chris, the pledges then subsequent charges would then flow back that way
Alex Wells reacted with :+1:
James H - Can't see an issue with doing it this way to enable both this machine and Hackspace 2.5
Chris - It's not just a metal mill, it's a general purpose metal working mill
Can do wood, foam, plastics, etc
last one we had was just wood and plastics
Action - Take the full amount from Chris, then paid back from the pledges and subsequently the cost of use
Ayes from all Trustees and members
*Action David Clarke and Matt Lloyd* organise the loan
New rules on white cards, copy pasting them here in a moment
Cards will be issued on the following basis:
- New members receive a white card for *free*
- Current members migrating to a white card receive one *free*
- White cards to replace lost cards are charged at *£1*
- Migrations and replacements can be collected on a Wednesday, or any suitable event such as an open day
*Meeting closed*(edited)
You don't have to go home but you can't stay here