Arduino IDE with Minimus
This is how to load Arduino sketches to the Minimus AVR stick without modifying the bootloader.
As the hardware is identical to the teensy 1.0, any sketch compiled for the teensy will run on minimus.
The Teensy runs a closed source bootloader which isnt available.
While it is possible to create a custom bootloader to make the minimus appear as a Teensy, this method doesnt require you to flash a new bootloader.
* This is a bit messy as Im copying from my hand written notes, I'll tidy up as I go along
How To
* I last tested this with older versions of all software involved. Will test with latest versions and link to older versions if this doesnt work.
* This assumes you already have the minimus working with Flip loader
- Install the following
- Arduino IDE
- Teensy Loader
- Teensyduino
- Launch Arduino IDE
- Select Teensy 1.0 under Tools, Board
- Load/Write your sketch and click verify
- Behind the scenes, Arduino IDE will create a temp folder containing the .hex file to load onto the AVR
- Find the .hex file and load onto the minimus using Flip loader.
- Reset the minimus
- Profit
Minimus / Arduino Pin Out
+ + |+-++-+| + +
| | +-+------+-+ | |
| 20 | PC2 |+ + +| VCC | VCC |
| 0 | PD0 |+ + +| PC4 | 19 |
| 1 | PD1 |+ + +| PC5 | 18 | PWM
RX | 2 | PD2 |+ +--+ +| RST | RST |
TX | 3 | PD3 |+ | | +| PC6 | 17 | PWM
| 4 | PD4 |+ +--+ +| PC7 | 16 |
LEDb | 5 | PD5 |+ +| PB7 | 15 | PWM
LEDa | 6 | PD6 |+ +| PB6 | 14 |
HWB | 7 | PD7 |+ ++ ++ +| PB5 | 13 |
| 8 | PB0 |+ hwb rst+| PB4 | 12 |
SCK | 9 | PB1 |+ +| PB3 | 11 | MISO
| GND | GND |+ b a + +| PB2 | 10 | MOSI
+ + +----------+ + +