Sagar Chisel Mortiser
Purchased by a pledge drive, and currently being installed in the workshop.
Based on promotional materials it appears to be based on a design first produced in 1907, abd subsequently re-designed in the late 20's to run on electrical rather than overhead belt power.
Installation Progress
The machine is now in position, but inoperative until the power is connected.
The bolt which secures the chisel in position, unfortunately seized and subsequently sheered on attempting to free it. The remainder of the bolt has been drilled out, the residue of the threads removed with a tap, and a replacement (and spare) set-screw of the appropriate size (5/16 Whitworth) has been sourced.
Parts sourced:
- 2 × 5/16 BSW 2½" allen head set screws
Parts on order:
- 12m of 5 core, 2.5mm2 armoured cable.
- 20A rotary isolator.
- 440v DOL Motor Starter, with 1.8-2.5A thermal overload.
Parts to order:
- ½ or ¾ ply - 2'6" by 8" — sacrificial table top.
- New tooling.