Robot Fightin' Workshop - 23 July 2022

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After the successful inaugural event in March we wanted to run a beginners’ event to help get a few newbies get into the apparently intimidating but actually secretly quite easy and very fun sport of robot fighting.

The day started with an engaging intro talk by Sam Roberts, going through a potted history of combat robotics, Robot Wars and the associated events, describing plans for the day, and dispensing valuable advice.

NB despite appearances Sam is not a human head attached to the top of a Commodore Educator 64


For the first part of the day, our 7 new beginners’ teams – a good mix of individuals and pairs – were given a starter kit and let loose to construct their robots. The kit contained:

  • 2 x motors plus 3d printed cradles
  • Speed controller
  • Laser-cut wooden chassis
  • 2x 3d printed wedges to attach superstructure
  • 2x wheels (extra chunky wheels were available for £1 extra)
  • Rechargeable NiMH battery plus connector cable

The whole was controlled through a rather nifty receiver controlled by a phone app over the WiFi (the price of a transmitter otherwise being something of a barrier to entry).