Arduino IDE with Minimus

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This is how to load Arduino sketches to the Minimus AVR stick without modifying the bootloader.
As the hardware is identical to the teensy 1.0, any sketch compiled for the teensy will run on minimus.

The Teensy runs a closed source bootloader which isnt available.
While it is possible to create a custom bootloader to make the minimus appear as a Teensy, this method doesnt require you to flash a new bootloader.

How To


  1. Install the following
  2. Plug in a Minimus and you'll see it's an unrecognized device in device manager. Update driver, pointing it at C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Flip 3.4.7\usb (and saying yes when prompted)
  3. In FLIP, go to Device > Select > AT90USB162


  1. Launch Arduino IDE and Teensy Loader
  2. Select Teensy 1.0 under Tools, Board
  3. Load/Write your sketch and click upload
    • It will compile then pop up the Teensy program with a button to 'open HEX file' Click this and drag it to desktop. Then cancel out of Teensy program.
  4. Open Flip
  5. Plug in Minimus
  6. To put Minimus in programming mode, push reset, push HWB, release reset, release HWB
  7. Select communication USB [open]
  8. Run the operations flow to program the Minimus (erase, program, verify)
  9. Reset the minimus
  10. Profit

Minimus to Arduino Pin Out

+ + |+-++-+| + +
| | +-+------+-+ | |
| 20 | PC2 |+ + +| VCC | VCC |
| 0 | PD0 |+ + +| PC4 | 19 |
| 1 | PD1 |+ + +| PC5 | 18 | PWM
RX | 2 | PD2 |+ +--+ +| RST | RST |
TX | 3 | PD3 |+ | | +| PC6 | 17 | PWM
| 4 | PD4 |+ +--+ +| PC7 | 16 |
LEDb | 5 | PD5 |+ +| PB7 | 15 | PWM
LEDa | 6 | PD6 |+ +| PB6 | 14 |
HWB | 7 | PD7 |+ ++ ++ +| PB5 | 13 |
| 8 | PB0 |+ hwb rst+| PB4 | 12 |
SCK | 9 | PB1 |+ +| PB3 | 11 | MISO
| GND | GND |+ b a + +| PB2 | 10 | MOSI
+ + +----------+ + +