Hand Planes

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The space has a variety of Hand Planes, for creating smooth surfaces on wood or making a thick piece of wood thinner these should be your first point of call.

Generally a plane set to take a very fine shaving will leave a surface finish much smoother than sanding in a fraction of the time.

Wooden Planes

There are a variety of wooden planes available, each suited to a different task.

Left to Right: Try, Jack, Coffin, Rabbet

Jack Plane

The first plane used in preparing a board, used along the length or diagonally to take coarse shavings to level the surface, remove imperfections and decrease the thickness of a board.

The Jack Plane has a very slight camber (i.e. curvature) to it's iron to help it take the thickest shaving possible, this is not a defect and re-grinding the blade square would not be an improvement.

Try Plane

Used after the Jack Plane to remove any scalloping left by the camber mentioned above, it's longer and wider to give it the best registration to the surface being planed.

It is named after the process of trying an edge, that is planing it to 90° with the faces next to it.

Also used to joint a pair of boards to be edge gluec

Coffin Smoother

Rabbet Plane

Bailey Pattern Planes

5 Jack Plane

4½ Large Smooth Plane

4 Smooth Plane

3 Smooth Plane