Team:Safety/Portable appliance testing

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Portable Appliance Testing (also PA Testing/PAT Testing)

Related page/redirection: Team:Safety/Electrical Safety

PAT testing general guide


Outline different roles/responsibilites

  • Landlords/trustees
  • Safety Team
  • 'Competent persons'
  • Membership
  • Who to contact to get involved PA Testing (James Taylor, Safety Team [link] - Lead - Alex Mann, Trustee Lead - Andrew Hood)

Definition of a competent person Table to list people actively involved in process, their responsibility and competency i.e. electrical experience, self-assessed, assessed by other competent member, official qualifications


Outline what it is/isn't

Stress distinction that PA testing is not the same as repair and they require different competencies


  • Health/safety perspective - minimising risk within what is reasonably practicable for the hackspace
  • Legal/insurance perspective - what is required
  • Dangers of electricity - fire, shock, death


What can any/every member do to help ensure safety? Visual inspection before use, reporting concerns (give examples), being aware of dangers, basic electrical principles Testing Documentation

Official Guidance/Documentation/Links

PAT test at Nottinghack

Portable appliance testing needs to be carried out to bring us in line with safety regulations. It is simple to do and needs no special skills beyond being able to properly use and read the test equipment Megger_PAT320_Portable_Appliance_Tester. Demonstrations may be available from James Adams or James Taylor of Safety Team and Trustee fame.

Portable Appliance Testing Records (credit Alex Mann)

Contact: Team: Safety (Slack) - James Taylor

Producing a Checklist of tools

Producing a list of tools is a task that can be worked on if you find yourself alone or you are working on PAT testing during the weekend, (see also Portable Appliance Testing Records at There is already a wiki page for this list that can be updated by anyone :)

The wiki page for the list is located here: Tool list

Dates of PAT testing