2024-06-05 Transcript: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Member's Meetings|^Year 13^]]
[[Category:Member's Meetings|^Year 14^]]

Latest revision as of 18:53, 20 June 2024

Roll Call: Aaron, Betty, Gareth, Ali, Malcolm, Shane, Jonny, Chris R, Bob W, Mark G, Douglas, James S, Sam R

Chairing: Betty

Minuting: Aaron

Announcements and Events

The next hack the space day will be a Saturday. The last one was Sunday 12th of May. The next one will be Saturday 29th of Saturday, June.

Mention of EMF Camp planning session - oops. Ignore this.

Radio Group, next week on Wednesday next week.

One Shot Wonders, nothing scheduled yet, but there will be this month soon. There will be an additional game which Gareth is running which will be in between. This will be a longer game. See One Shot Wonders channel for more info. Slightly related to EMF and One Shot Wonders - Andrew and Duncan ran a game as a workshop at EMF Camp - someone mentioned on Mastodon that one of the games was great and they really enjoyed it.

Film Night - Thinking about doing Wicker Man, although Hackers would also be great. Something will get scheduled soon. Chris suggests watching Midsummer although it's a bit scary.

Mark has been asked to do a workshop on OpenSCAD. Sounds good, put a plan together and we'll help to promote it. Provisionally hoping for Monday 24th of June.

Betty is also planning to put a few workshops together, crafty.

Becky is thinking about doing a dyeing workshop too.

EMF Camp

We spent £1881 and brought in £2385, so we were able to raise £504.

Some chatter about how great EMF Camp before the meeting started.

Mark Goodwin points to the discussion in EMF Camp about getting a Nottingham Hackspace Hacky Races team and would like a hacky races channel on Discord for getting something going for next EMF Camp.

Metalworking Downstairs

Received some quotes for doing a stud wall. They were a bit expensive. We are planning to do the stud wall ourselves. Some members have offered to help.

Chris K will be doing the electrics in stages and we're discussing what to do first. This will likely be the bits cabling for the welders.

Mark has recently put up a stud wall in his house and offers to help. Douglas to chat to Mark about the plans and hopefully figure out a cutlist. We may be able to buy materials for the next Hack the Space day. The door will be moved from the grinding area so it'll need a stud on either side. There's also a bit of a kink in the wall to accommodate an accessible toilet.

The stud wall will block some of the electrical work.

Team Updates

Laser Team - Still a few issues with random jobs cutting erratically. Emily has been investigating and analysing the files to see where the issue lies. The feet have been lowered today as the bed was riding to the back of the laser. Chris has lowered this to reduce vibrations. Tested at 1000mm/sec and it seems very solid now. A member has crashed the head into the bed which has caused some damage to the bed. Some discussion about getting a new honey comb.

We now have two buyers for the old laser cutter. The best offer is £400, which Chris has accepted. However, getting the laser downstairs as-is will be a challenge. It came up in the old goods lift split up into parts. It might go down the stairs, but this will not be safe. The buyers are aware of this.

We will investigate breaking it apart this Sunday.

James asks about keeping it, upgrading it and having two laser cutters. It would be nice to have the redundancy, but the space required might be a big issue.

Bob asks is the new laser as popular. Chris says it varies. Ali says usage is gradually increasing.

Woodwork - The old green bandsaw is now working. The tool sharpener is now working. The sliding mitre saw needs a new blade - Bob to sort. The Startrite bandsaw is a bit of a project and Bob is looking into it. Bob has found an exploded parts diagram and a manual. Parts appear to be available.

Chris points out the green bandsaw does appear to be blowing its fuse. Either the motor is stalling or the startup cap is drawing too much current. Quite big pieces were being cut though, so it probably stalled.

Snackspace - We were hoping to bring back some stuff from EMF Camp but it all sold too well. Requests welcome. Betty will do a snackspace run soon. Workshops

Mark is planning to do something on OpenSCAD.

Ian is doing another round of woodworking sessions.

Betty would like to do some craft workshops.

Becky might do some tie dyeing soon.

Trustee Elections

Hustings will be this Friday at 8pm. This will be in person and on Zoom. Please come if you can, meet the candidates.

Voting will begin on the 10th of June - Monday.

Financial Update

Rent is going up 200/mo which will chop off the profit we make per month. We also have to pay the new deposit for the new lease. Current account balance is approximate £27,000. Realistically we need to increase membership, membership contributions and workshops.

Any Other Business

Nothing 🙂 Seeyah!

Steve Barnett — Today at 20:44 AOB item - we should remove the Ultimaker from the list of available inductions. For all intents and purposes it doesn't exist any more, but it's making people think they need an induction to use the Enders!

Aaron Jackson — Today at 20:45 Happy to do that - thanks