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(Created page with "== Set Up Procedure == === Pipework === # Verify items from packing list # Assemble large puffers ## Place base according to layout ## Screw in main pipework section, using P...")

Latest revision as of 11:51, 5 February 2019

Set Up Procedure


  1. Verify items from packing list
  2. Assemble large puffers
    1. Place base according to layout
    2. Screw in main pipework section, using PTFE
    3. Attach barrel (no PTFE required)
    4. Connect low pressure (black) hose between regulator and pilot
    5. Ensure pilot butterfly valve CLOSED
  3. Place small puffer segments in position according to layout
  4. Place propane cylinder according to layout
  5. Place control box according to layout
  6. Place supply segment next to propane cylinder
  7. Connect high pressure (orange), hex nut ended) hose between large puffers and supply segment
  8. Connect high pressure (orange), hex nut ended) hose between small puffer segments and supply segment
  9. Check ALL yellow 1/4 turn ball valves in supply section are in the OFF position
  10. Connect the 4 bar regulator to the propane cylinder, verify regulator in the OFF position
  11. Connect a high pressure (orange, hex nut ended) hose between the 4 bar regulator and the supply segment (attaches to the nut without a flashback arrestor)

Leak Test

  1. Double check all valves on supply segment and large puffers are in the OFF position, the regulator is securely attached to the tank, and the hoses between segments are securely attached, and the regulator is in the OFF position
  2. Turn the propane tank valve to the ON position
  3. Turn the main cutoff valve to the ON position
  4. Turn the 2 bar regulator in the supply segment to the maximum pressure setting
  5. Press the regulator adjuster twice, which will put a small amount of pressure in supply segment
  6. Use leak detection spray on all joints in the supply segment. If bubbling is observed, apply shutdown procedure and take actions to fix the problem before re-trying the setup procedure
  7. Open the 4 bar regulator to the 4 bar setting, watching for bubbling all the time. if bubbling is observed shutdown and take remedial actions.
  8. If supply segment is clear, test small puffer segments one at a time:
    1. Apply leak detection spray to joints in small puffer segment and the LH adapter attached to the flashback arrestor on the supply segment
    2. Open the ball valve on the supply segment which corresponds to the small puffer segment and examine joints for bubbling, taking remedial action if necessary
    3. Close ball valve to isolate segment until testing of other segments is complete
  9. Test large puffers:
    1. Apply leak detection spray to joints in large puffer and the LH adapter attached to the flashback arrestor on the supply segment
    2. Open the ball valve on the supply segment which corresponds to the large puffer segment and examine joints for bubbling, taking remedial action if necessary
    3. Close ball valve to isolate segment until testing of other segments is complete

Control Circuits

  1. Double check all valves on supply segment and large puffers are in the OFF position, the regulator is securely attached to the tank, and the hoses between segments are securely attached, and the regulator is in the OFF position
  2. Ensure power supply is OFF
  3. Connect RS485 serial and power cables to control boxes
  4. ...
  5. Turn on power
  6. With gas off, test sparkers and solenoid valves

Prime Large Puffers

When the system is newly set up, or has been left set up without operating for more than 3 hours, the large puffers should be vented to prevent a mixture of oxygen and propane in the accumulator tank causing a flashback:

  1. Ensure no sources of ignition - no smoking etc
  2. Double check all valves on supply segment and large puffers are in the OFF position, the regulator is securely attached to the tank, and the hoses between segments are securely attached, and the regulator is in the OFF position
  3. Turn the propane tank valve to the ON position
  4. Turn the main cutoff valve to the ON position
  5. Turn on main regulator to max open position, and verify pressure in supply segment is 4 bar (using gauge)
  6. Open ball value to large puffer segment
  7. Operate SOLENOID ONLY of large puffer for 3 seconds (propane will vent), close value and wait 30 seconds
  8. Repeat venting 5 times

Start operating

  1. If system has just been set up or has been standing for more than 3 hours without operation, ensure "Prime Large Puffers" procedure has been followed for each large puffer
  2. Light large puffer pilots and adjust flow rate with butterfly valve
  3. Open ball values to pressurise all segments
  4. Run test sequence for each segment
