2023-08-02 Transcript: Difference between revisions

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Woodworking: We have ordered bandsaw blades for the the green bandsaw. We ordered quite a few more blades than ask for. The sander was tripping the circuit breaker. Out of order added but not investigated yet. Andrew will strip it down and blow out the dust. Might be worth PAT testing it. Chris has volunteered to do it if no one else can. Andrew W says it was very tidy in the woodworking area - thanks to whoever cleaned it.
Woodworking: We have ordered bandsaw blades for the the green bandsaw. We ordered quite a few more blades than ask for. The sander was tripping the circuit breaker. Out of order added but not investigated yet. Andrew will strip it down and blow out the dust. Might be worth PAT testing it. Chris has volunteered to do it if no one else can. Andrew W says it was very tidy in the woodworking area - thanks to whoever cleaned it.

[[Category:Member's Meetings|^Year 12^]]
[[Category:Member's Meetings|^Year 13^]]

Latest revision as of 23:13, 30 October 2023

Aaron Jackson OP

— Today at 19:47

This is our first meeting which will be minuted on Discord.

Roll Call: Mark, Chris, Jon, Betty, Gareth, Malcolm, James S, Duncan, Bob W, Andrew A, Ali, Ian T, Douglas C, Mike H (edited)

Aaron Jackson OP

— Today at 20:11

Betty is chairing.

Betty: Lots of members upstairs during the tour. I will be running a bunch of workshops on Wednesday evenings. Today was water colour painting - several on sunday / saturday over the next month, afternoons and evening etc. If anyone wants to run a workshop please email. If we try to make it a bit more lively on Wednesdays it will help. We need members to do the open nights - general membership on Wednesdays needs to increase.

12 of August is Hack the Space Day - please come. Andrew Walters is going on holiday! Please come along and make the space a better place. Might be doing some work on the metalworking area but this depends on the floor etc. Let's have a general tidy up etc. It's a Saturday.

One Shot Wonders - Garth: We played a great came called Fiasco which was really good fun. Nothing planned exactly for this month but it will go on the Discord once we have decided. If anyone wants to find out more about One Shot Wonders, and hasn't been there before, have a look on the one shot wonders channel on Discord. Duncan: There's a lot of other discussion about table top gaming on that channel too. Board games, figures, all sorts of games within the space. Come join in if that's of interest to anybody. Betty: if anyone wants to help out with the comms team come and help please!

Hackspace Feast! - 18th of August, which is a Friday. Just an opportunity to hang out and socialise. Could be some music or tv shows, bring some food, share it with people and eat some stuff. Let's start at 6pm. Aaron will make a wiki page for this.

Robot Events in September - No one is here to talk about it because they are busy building robots!


Metalworking Downstairs - Douglas: As you may have seen, we're still in the process of having a new floor put down. it hasnt been signed over to us yet. The contractor is waiting for a few parts (ramps) to arrive. We can then start to paint the floor. There is not an awful lot to update on just yet. We'll be looking at electricals once done. We'll mount the power sockets ourselves and get an electrician to wire them up. Not sure if we announced it - the contractor has offered to put in a waste pipe which we will need when we have the disabled toilet installed. They can do this at the moment while they are doing some work in the basement. Hopefully everything will be sorted out as soon as possible.

There's a chance we will be doing more of the floor but we might look into doing the corridor subject to a grant etc, may not be essential right now. Betty: Anyone can help, we'll post it on Discord, maybe have a Tuesday party again - please try joining wherever you can.


Migration to Discord - Andrew W says congratulations and that it is well managed. Betty, if anyone has any questions we can try to help. Mark expresses some issues with trying to get it working. Betty says to email membership or trustees if they have issues with Discord.

Aaron Jackson OP

— Today at 20:21

Laser Cutter Pledge - The pledge drive was successful but the deadline is still Saturday, so people can still make a pledge if they want to. The biggest hurdle at the moment is that the lift is broken - they say it may take another 3 weeks before the lift is fixed. The seller really wants to get it out of the space as soon as possible.

Chris asks a question about the lift - can we claim some rent reduction given that several members are unable to access the space. Betty says maybe during the least negotiation. BizSpace say they will let us know as soon as possible when they have updates.

Does anyone want to buy a laser cutter? People are trying to figure out how to adjust their homes to accommodate a laser cutter Question about whether it can be donated to a school or something? Realistically it needs to be sold since it's members membership fee.

Aaron Jackson OP

— Today at 20:30

Team Updates

Craft teams - Betty is running quite a few workshops, keep an eye out for workshops. Engineer coming to fix the industrial sewing machine soon. Unfortunately the table has been damanged. Remember that the craft room is a clean room and we need to keep it in good condition. Replacing table surfaces could cost a lot of money.

Woodworking: We have ordered bandsaw blades for the the green bandsaw. We ordered quite a few more blades than ask for. The sander was tripping the circuit breaker. Out of order added but not investigated yet. Andrew will strip it down and blow out the dust. Might be worth PAT testing it. Chris has volunteered to do it if no one else can. Andrew W says it was very tidy in the woodworking area - thanks to whoever cleaned it.