2023-05-03 Transcript: Difference between revisions

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<li><blockquote><p>Call for AV equipment</p></blockquote></li></ul>
<li><blockquote><p>Call for AV equipment</p></blockquote></li></ul>

[[Category:Member's Meetings|^Year 13^]]
[[Category:Member's Meetings|^Year 12^]]

Latest revision as of 23:05, 30 October 2023

Steve Barnett  8:06 PM

Roll call
Gareth, Steve, Malcolm, Bob, Aaron, Douglas, Maq, Andrew, Ian, Chris, Dave Sarras
Meeting Start (edited) 


Election nominations are now open. We have 3 open positions so need 4 nominees. Please consider running if you think you could contribute. If we don't get enough nominations we will need to reopen nominations and if this happens a second time we will be forced to close. The deadline for this is end of day on Monday May 8th. Nominations will be published on the 9th. This is getting quite close.
After the nomination window, assuming enough nominations, there will be 2 weeks until the elections during which we will hopefully have a hustings. Election will begin on the 23rd.


Combat Robotics workshop on Saturday the 6th. Come along and build a tiny combat robot and fight it in a tournment at the. We have various options with different levels of build complexity and upgrade path.


One Shot Wonders on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Duncan ran Traveller last month, and we are possibly running another session of that unless someone volunteers to run something new.
Discussion about whether One Shot Wonders should be in the agenda since we don't have a new game lined up.


Replacing Slack: We are experimenting with Discord which is working well, but we're not ready to move forward with it yet. We can send out invites to anyone who wants to test it - please let us know on Slack and we can give you an invite link. There are a number of issues with Slack, the main one being the 90 day limit to message lifetime which means effectively transient. There are also benefits to Discord that Slack does not offer, such as integrating with roles in HMS. This allows us to have public and private sections to cover the functionality that Google Groups had for the public and the functionality that Slack offers for Teams.
Aaron has been working on a feature for HMS where people can enter their Discord username which will then give their user the relevant roles in our Discord.


No actions from previous meeting.


Team Updates


Bob: We are upgrading the dust filter bag extractors with better bags. Bob has replaced the small one today and will do the big one in the next few days. Bob has also done a bit of replenishing of the wood screw drawers, but if anyone feels that we're short of a particular size they think would be useful please report this as speculatively filling up all sizes would be very expensive.


Bob: Table Saw - cleaned out the dust underneath - a considerable amount - including a lot of thin slices of timber from people trimming things. This could have caused a nasty issue with the original extraction method causing it to get blocked. It clearly isn't getting checked regularly or nothing has been done about it. Fortunately no sign of any burning on anything.


Andrew W: New dedicated ripping blade will hopefully help as will changes to the dust extraction.


Douglas: Asks if this is something people would spot
Andrew W: This is something people who are inducted on the tool should be aware of
Bob: Asks if anyone has received complaints about not being able to get a Table Saw induction
Douglas: Someone pointed out it wasn't on the induction form, but no specific complaint
Bob: Gave an induction to someone yesterday, but generally people don't seem to be around. If there are complaints please let me know and we will endeavour to do something about it


Douglas: We will try and get it on the induction form


Betty joins


Aaron: Not in the Electronics team, but someone reported a damaged soldering iron lead which has now been fixed


Douglas: We need to look at PAT testing
Betty: Sewing machine annual servicing needed soon.
Phil Topham joins


Steve: I think I've added the Table Saw to the induction request form


Steve/Douglas: Looking at paying Dominic to do some servicing, and there will be an option for some training in the future for maintainers


Douglas: Still pursuing quotes for new metalworking floor, waiting for Bizspace to get back, hopefully we should be able to move forward with this soon.

Steve Barnett  8:33 PM

Bob: Is the intention to do the whole floor
Douglas: Intention is to do the main metalworking area but not the corridor. Assessed that the need for a toilet in the space is reduced. Potentially do the bike area at the same time and the boards on entry to G6 from the blue room side. Welders will be on concrete and heavy items on joist.
Steve: Did we ask Jodie if the downstairs toilet is usable. Did she give us the code for them?
Douglas: We should have the code, need to Andrew about it.
Steve: It's good that we got access to them. We should try and get the code into HMS for users to use.
Aaron: Asks if it should be on a role due to possibly being a disabled only toilet.
Gareth: Asks if this means we no longer think there's a need for a toilet in the space.
Douglas: I think we assessed the urgency is lower, but we've not decided not to do it.
Various: Discussion about whether we know if Hackspace users have accessibility need
Steve: Points out that no decisions have been made on this yet.


Discussion over whether the downstairs BizSpace toilet is accessible - seems to be but we need confirmation.


Chris: Not a lot in 3D except a new bin. Unfortunately Ender 5 is playing up, let me know if you've had problems with it. Looking at some filtration for the resin printer via the window. Quite hard to get the team together. Need to discuss enclosures as a whole including what we do with the resin printer.


Douglas: We did say water washable resin only didn't we
Chris: Definitely worth looking into, there are a lot of good options that are less nasty than the earlier resins
Steve: I've pointed them out as preferable when doing inductions. Definitely nicer than the older resins.
Chris: Need to update the induction process to cover this.
Maq: You mentioned water washable in the induction process so that's all I've used. Unfortunately looks like the knob that tightens the bed has maybe come loose.
Gareth: Asks if we still need to change out the FEP
Ali: It is a bit of a mess but it works.
Chris: If it needs to be done it needs to be done, can maybe run some calibration prints.


Steve: Might need to replace the FEP if there is a bump. Ali will try re-running the print to see if it's a machine problem.
Steve: The knob was one I made - will see if I can replace or fix it if Ali determines it's a machine problem


Discussion about effects of temperature and revelation that Ali warms the resin in her car and cuddles it to keep it warm.
Ali: Lots of success and nice models, but it's failed a few times recently. Might be the machine, might be me. (edited) 


Financial Update: Andrew is not here to present it. Still in the black.
Discussion of minimum payments.
Douglas: The minimum is £5 but we wouldn't be able to keep the space open if people paid that. We recommend £15 on tours.


Any Other Business?


Hack the Space Day is Sunday the 11th of June.
Andrew W: We talked last meeting about refreshing the comfy area. Can the trustees consider sending an email out for that? I've sent a suggested text for that.


Andrew W: Would be good to discover any things that have value or meaning we're not aware of so we can make good decisions.


Douglas: Was the arcade machine working?
Various: Just wasn't plugged in
Douglas: Maybe that needs signage
Douglas: Also, we need a new projector, might be good to send an email out seeing if someone has one they can donate
Chris: Would be good to put out a call for general AV equipment, such as a home cinema amplifier
Steve: PA equipment would be useful also, we're planning a Combat Robotics tournament at some point and this would be useful
Chris: Suggests he might be able to help with that
Andrew W/Betty: Additional plans for laundering the comfy area furniture before or during Hack the Space. Betty will investigate.


Betty: Need to make sure we have enough space to dry them.


Ian: Someone posted on Slack about Gedling Play Forum, if people have heard about it. I went along and joined. Family membership is £5 if in the area or £15 if outside the area. Shedloads of fabric and crafting material which is available to take away. They've heard of Hackspace and would like to make an association. Don't know what but just mentioned.
Douglas: Suggests telling them to contact the trustee email as an initial point of contact.
Betty: Tried to arrange next round of metalworking training. Might need to run on a weekday which might be better for self employed and students around mid-June, as weekends have been a problem. Still trying to pin down concrete dates and will post in the channel.


Douglas/Betty: Two day course over two weekends. Need to attend both for the certificate. Can get inducted on the relevant tool by doing the day on that tool, however.


Meeting Closed



  • Check resin printer and update induction info

  • Check options for laundering upholstry - Bob offers his washing line to dry

  • Get toilet code in HMS

  • Call for AV equipment