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All teams in the Hackspace are ultimately responsible to the Trustees who have delegated certain powers and responsibilities to the teams.

In addition to their specific scopes, below are the responsibilities that all teams have. In addition, the trustees responsibilities to teams are also listed below.


Trustee Responsibilities

Named Contact

Each team has a trustee contact who they can go to with any questions or concerns that they might have. All teams can of course email [trustees@nottinghack.org.uk] as normal, but may find that emailing an individual trustee gets a faster response.

Team Trustee
3D Printing Rob Hunt
Communications James Hayward
Craft & Textiles Sophie Wilkinson
Electronics David Clarke
Events Adam Froggatt
Infrastructure Matt Lloyd
Laser James Hayward
Maintainers Sophie Wilkinson & Adam Froggatt
Membership Adam Froggatt
Metal Working Matt Lloyd
Network Matt Lloyd
Resources James Hayward
Safety Sophie Wilkinson
Snackspace Rob Hunt
Software Rob Hunt
Tools David Clarke
Woodworking David Clarke