2017-09-15 EMF 2018 Collaboration Meeting
Where / when: Nottinghack, studio; 2017-09-15 (Fri), 19:15 ish
Attendees: Ian D, Matt L, Daniel S, Mouse.
Sensors =
The obvious choices are optical: infra red or visible lasers.
- The signal can/should be modulated somehow to send a little bit of data
- Could just be some way to ensure light comes from a gun rather than some other light source
- Could also include some unique ID for a specific gun, so targets may know who shot them
- How do IR sensors respond to daylight? The targets will be in a marquee, but there may well be daylight flooding in, and they will be facing to the door / open section
- We could try to get hold of some sort of Quasar-like system, or find an open source Quasar-like project to work from. For sure this already a solved problem
Possible target effects
- Squirting water
- Air vortex
- Bubble machine
- Smoke machine
- Bell / clang
- Tin can alley
- Chicken house
- Nerf gun (how to reload?)
- Rumble / vibration
- Spinning things
- Play audio
- Projector / game, e.g. Tetris
- Jacob's ladder
- Smoke machine?
Networked vs. standalone targets
Networking targets with RS485/HC12/other technology, pros:
- Can have more sophisticated play
- Can have per-player scores
- Central brainbox can do things like tweeting etc, while keeping targets simple / cheap
- Would want string isolation of target logic and effects (i.e. motors and other loads should be self-powered and create minimal noise on serial bus)
Beginnings of as basic target board
- optical sensor
- low-cost micro controller
- place for relay
- RS485 connection
When hit, these basic target boards would do some standardised action, like trigger the relay for 1 second. The isolated side of the relay would be connected to whatever mechanism the maker of the target needs to create an effect.
Case-study effects
We talked through how some effects might be implemented to see if that would fit with the basic target board concept...
Spinning tea-pot
- basic target board connected to effect by relay
- effect would have microcontroller + motor driver + motor + the physical teapot
- relay would connect a pulled-up data pin to ground
- arduino controls motor to spin teapot
- triggering would be limited to one trigger per second or however long the target board takes to reset
- arduino code would have to be able to re-trigger half way though performing the effect, and handle this gracefully
Water shooter =
Thinking through how to implement the classic hillbilly rifle shooter
- When hit, turns manikin towards shooters, squirts water at them, turns back
- Might want to know WHICH gun shot it - would need to get ID of gun from RS485, so can't just be connected to relay
- Could put it on the RS485 bus, listening for events from the right target and extracting gun ID from traffic
Tetris =
- Projector / large screen with Tetris
- Four targets perform spin and move operations
- Would probably be implemented with an RPi
- GPIO inputs from four separate relays, or could monitor RS485 traffic
Sequences =
- Special combos might trigger extra effects (e.g. setting off a sub-set of the targets simultaneously)
- Would require targets to be able to be triggered from central brainbox (i.e. over RS485)
- Maybe all targets should be triggered from RS485