Laser cutter/Inductions

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Induction on the laser Cutter/Engraver

A small team of people will be conducting induction sessions on the new laser cutter/engraver at Nottingham Hackspace. The instructors will be undertaking these sessions in their own spare time, so it cannot be guaranteed that someone will always be available. Pledge drive people will be taking priority.

Laser inductions are one-on-one sessions. You may bring a small laser project if you wish though you must check that your materials are suitable for a laser cutting or etching. Otherwise your instructor will talk you through a few techniques, to demonstrate the process whilst determining that you can safely operate the laser. Inductions cost £20.

Also see the LaserCut software; you can use the demo and Inkscape to create projects before you do an induction.

Induction Program

If you have a small project in mind we can use it as part of the induction but please check that the materials you have in mind are suitable for use in the laser - the wrong materials can cause noxious fumes that can permanently damage the mirrors or extraction system, or running the tube too hot drastically shortens it's lifespan. The induction is primarily to make sure that the laser is operated safely, to keep costs low. For example, a spare laser tube can cost in the region of £400 and a new set of mirrors £250 - the hackspace can't afford to be replacing these every month!

The induction will include:

  • Setting up and Switching on safely
  • Testing alignment of the laser
  • Introduction to the cutting software
  • Setting up your XY axis, placing your work piece and checking the draw frame
  • Engraving
  • Cutting
  • Suitable file types and how to convert them
  • Shutting down

For inductors: Induction Program

Laser Instructors

Please do not contact people on this list directly, instead add yourself to the wiki below and you will be contacted by Andrew Armstrong regarding a booking time. Pledge donators will take priority and have been sent the relevant information.

People who are authorised to give inductions:

  • Dominic Morrow - Monday to Friday evening (6PM - 12 middnight), Thursday (10AM - 12AM)
  • James Hayward - Evenings in advance (5:30PM onwards), Weekends (except Sunday lunchtime).
  • Jake Howe - First Monday of the month (12AM-8PM), other Monday of the month , 12AM-4PM Wednesday
  • Andrew Armstrong - Whatever I sort myself.
  • Matt Little - Flexible (daytime and evening okay), no weekends
  • Michelle Strickland - Thursday (7PM - 11PM)
  • James Fowkes - No Thursdays, no weekends. Monday is the best weekday.

Laser Induction Sign-Ups

This list has been cleared to allow for inductions (IND - when new to the laser) and Conversions (CON - when you've used the old red laser) to be arranged. Inductions on the original A4 (red) laser are NOT valid on the new laser cutter but experienced users can be converted (CON). Please indicate which session type you require.

There is now a booking system for the laser on HMS. Inducted people can log in and book sessions (one at a time), inductors can block book induction session as well.

Name Pledger Paid (only applicable to non-pledgers) Date of induction CON/IND Instructor Complete
Ben Crowe Yes NA 27th May? IND TBA No
Declan Merry No No TBA IND TBA No
Matt Spandex Yes NA 8pm 26th June 2014 CON Michelle Strickland No
Chris Cain Yes NA TBA CON Dominic Morrow No
Mouse Yes No TBA CON TBA No
Betty Ching Yes Yes TBA CON Dominic Morrow No
Johnmichael Quinlan Thought you had an induction on the little red? No TBA IND? Dominic Morrow No
David Hayward Yes NA TBA CON Dominic Morrow No
Eriw Preston Yes NA TBA IND TBA No
Michael Metcalfe No No TBA IND TBA No
Marcus Evans No No 18/6/2014, 5PM IND Andrew Armstrong No
Lee Garland Yes NA TBA CON Dominic Morrow No
Michel Henry No No TBA IND TBA No
Daniel Swann Yes NA TBA IND TBA No
Martin Farraway No No TBA IND TBA N0
Dave Spence No NA TBA IND TBA No
Max Cavallin No No TBA IND TBA No
Ant Godber Yes NA 9pm 26th June 2014 ??? Michelle Strickland No
Rob Hayward Yes NA ??? TBA TBA No
Phil Parry Yes NA ??? IND TBA No
Leigh W No No ??? IND - so long since I used the little red starting over might be better! TBA No
Chris Y No No TBA IND TBA No

Completed Inductions

This makes life easier to determine who has yet to be inducted.

Name Pledger Paid (only applicable to non-pledgers) Date of induction CON/IND Instructor Complete
Jared Allen Yes NA 8pm 24th June 2014 CON Michelle Strickland Yes
Ben Millen No Yes Thursday 5th, 21:00 - 22:00 CON Michelle Strickland Yes
Iain Sharp No No Monday 9th, 18:00 - 19:00 CON James Fowkes Yes
Ric Briney Yes No Monday 9th, 19:00 - 20:00 CON James Fowkes No
Steve Barnett Yes No Thursday 5th June, 19:00 - 20:00 CON Michelle Strickland Yes
Matt Pritchard Yes No Friday 6th June, 18:00 - 19:00 CON Matt Little Yes
Ed Raisin Yes N/A Completed IND Michelle - thanks to a great tutor! Yes
Mark Cambridge No No Saturday 14th, 12:00 - 13:00 IND Andrew Armstrong Yes
Ian Dickinson Yes No Friday 6th June, 17:00 - 18:00 CON Matt Little Yes
Adam Cooper No Yes TBA CON Dominic Morrow Yes
John Crouchley Yes No Tuesday 10th, 20:00 - 21:00 IND Andrew Armstrong Yes
Ian Evans Yes No Thursday 12th, 19:00 - 20:00 IND Michelle Strickland Yes
Andy Collins Yes No Thursday 5th June, 20:00 - 21:00 IND Michelle Strickland Yes
Jon Woodcock Yes No Wednesday 4th June, 13:00 - 14:00 IND Jake Howe Yes
Derek Stonall Yes No Wednesday 4th June, 15:00 - 16:00 IND Jake Howe Yes
Gazz Richardson Yes No Thursday 5th June, 20:00 - 21:00 CON Michelle Strickland Yes
Lionel Goodwin Yes N/A Wednesday 4th June, 14:00 - 15:00 IND Jake Howe Yes
Robert Hunt Yes No Tuesday 27th May, 19:00 - 20:00 CON Andrew Armstrong Yes
Matt Lloyd No No Monday 26th May CON Himself Yes
Martin Raynsford Yes No Already inducted CON Himself Yes
Kai Pays Yes N/A Monday 9th, 20:00 - 21:00 CON James Fowkes Yes
Andrew Manning Yes Yes Friday 6th, 19:00 - 20:00 IND Matt Little No
Michael Erskine Yes N/A 04/06/2014 CON James Hayward Yes
Toby Jackson Yes N/A 04/06/2014 IND James Hayward Yes
Mark Wilkinson No N/A TBA CON Dominic Morrow Yes
Gareth Howell Yes N/A Monday, 16th June, 7.15pm CON Dominic Morrow Yes
Jack Thorp No Yes 21/06/2014 IND James Hayward Yes
Kate Bolin Yes N/A 21/06/2014 IND James Hayward Yes