Hack the Space Days/12th May 2024

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There will be a Hack the Space Day on Sunday May 12th 2024. It's all hands on deck improving our space! This wiki page is intended to detail exactly what needs doing so that we were all working towards the same goals. See 9th March 2024 for what we got up to last time!

Many thanks to the people giving their time to make this a success.


Big task one
Sub-task When Deadline Volunteers Completed?
Paint Studio
RFID Card Readers?
General Tidying Yes
Dispose of old stuff in Blue Room Progress
Vacuum air lock and members storage Yes
Take another look at vending machine chiller thermostat Attempted
Fix the spindle(?) of the Brother sewing machine; print another?

Other things we did:

  • Clean laser cutter bed
  • Fix the laser cutter homing issues
  • Clean / organise the screen printing area
  • Put tape down in workshop

Progress pictures