Team:Snackspace/Setting Prices

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Revision as of 08:58, 24 February 2018 by Alexmann (talk | contribs) (Fixed list numbering)
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The Snackspace Vending Machine must know the prices of the goods that we are selling in order to charge members and guests the correct amount. This must be set in two places, once for the vending machine itself (coin payments), and once for Holly (RFID payments).

Setting prices on the vending machine

Setting prices on Holly

To set these prices you must have been given the Snackspace permissions group on HMS. If you do not currently have this group, but are part of the Snackspace team, contact the team lead.

  1. Go to nh-web. This can only be done from inside the space, and only works on Internet Explorer (these will both change when HMS2 is released).
  2. Input your HMS Username and Password
  3. Click Snackspace at the top
  4. If you are adding a product that we have never stocked before, or you need to update the price of an existing product, click Products.
  5. Here you will be able to add new products or amend existing ones, as well as see total sales of products.
  6. If you are reorganising the location of existing products, under the Snackspace menu click Vend Setup.
  7. Here you will be able to amend which product is in which location of the Vending Machine to match their physical location.
  8. Once you are done managing the Vending Machine products, confirm that they have updated and that the price is correct at the Vend Stock Page.