2017-11-01 Transcript
froggy [8:09 PM]
- Meeting Opens*
- Events*
Crapathon happened! It was good
AGM is coming up on *DECEMBER 12TH*
- Finance Update*
- Team Updates*
- Resources* - had meeting, team is super huge now because they're awesome
Starting to work out what we've got
Pulling together a list of what we've got and will get
- Membership*
[8:11] 568 members!
- Woodwork*
Tablesaw not up yet, but getting there Rearranged the dusty space and it's way better!
[8:13] Looking to add more electrics
- Hackspace 2.5*
Lots of progress in Blue and CNC room
Lights are up and running off automation server
mains cables has been pulled, plus network cables
Next week it'll be punchdown for sockets
- Suggestion* Mouse - We should have a progress gallery at the AGM showing progress downstairs
show off to the wider membership what we've been up to
We'll probably set up a Flickr pool for them
Was good to take people around on open nights recently, showed the space off
- AOB*
- Mouse*
The toilets have been getting a bit grim over the last few months - do we need to properly bleach floors/repaint/etc
Worth spending some money to make them nice again
froggy [8:24 PM] Could probably do with a plan like the comfy area redo or /refresh
tentatively named Nottinghack Reflush