2025 Electronics Pledge Drive

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Revision as of 19:49, 11 January 2025 by Asj (talk | contribs)
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During the 11th January Hack the Space day several team members and electronics area users met up to discuss some ideas for improving the electronics area.

The current plan is to build a bench alone the windowed wall connecting the 3D printing and Electronics benches together. It'll be shared between the two areas. The plan is for the space to cover the cost of materials for this bench.


This pledge drive is for the following items of equipment:

T-962A Reflow Oven £378 (shipped). It should be perfect for SMT soldering and able to accommodate boards up to 300x320mm.

AD249S-M Digital Microscope - These are on Amazon for £250 (shipped) and have a large display making it easy to work with small parts. This seems more favourable than a binocular style microscope due to some people wearing glasses.

Extraction - primarily for the reflow oven, but this will also be a good opportunity to sort out extraction for the soldering and rework bench (left and middle). The lower third of the electronics area window is plastic, so the proposal is to drill a 100mm hole in this. I would like to run ducting under the benches so that there be a hole made in both the soldering and the rework benches (probably with a mesh screen...). A "goose neck" like host can then be fitted into there and positioned in the appropriate place for soldering.

There may be some small adapters needed too - these can probably be 3D printed.

Any excess on this pledge drive will be used to refresh some of the smaller tools such as tweezers, pliers and to stock up on consumables.

Overview of Pledge Drive
Item Cost
Reflow oven £378
Microscope £250
Extraction £123
Total £751


Please do not make any bank transfers until requested. This pledge drive will use the payment reference 2025ELEC-XX (where XX are your initials).

Who How Much Paid? Method Paid
Aaron Jackson £100 No
Add your name £0 No