Nottinghack Wiki:Community portal
This page is the community portal where you can learn how to get involved in Nottinghack's wiki community.
Note: If you want to join Nottingham Hackspace or learn about the community as a whole, see the promotional website and blogs instead!
Getting involved
These are some things you could do to get involved in our wiki:
- Create a personal user page for yourself, explaining why you want to contribute and what you can offer.
- Choose a page from our list of stub pages and add information to it.
- Tidy up one of the pages on our list of pages that need a clean up.
- Or do any other maintenance task.
People to contact about the wiki
You can also speak to these people face to face in the hackspace about the wiki:
- Davidhayward -- Deputy Board member overseeing Web Services.
- James -- Board member overseeing Web Services and major contributor to the wiki.
- Lwk -- Runs the server, keeps the software up to date. Probably the most consistent contributor to the wiki since day one.
- Marcus -- Wrote the Quick reference guide and other initial documents for this wiki, so is familiar with the advanced features. Maintains the Widgets. Also a wiki enthusiast, so very happy to help.
Alternatively, see the list of active wiki users for the most up to date list of contributors, but bear in mind that the most frequent contributors may be too busy to answer questions.