Lone Working Emergency Panic Button Instructions and Procedure

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This system is a last resort safety system for the Nottingham Hackspace workshop. If you are working alone in the Hackspace, you should consider having one of the alarms on your person during your visit.

Looks Like

Telephony Receiver Unit

Emergency Transmitter fobs


The manual can be found here click link to pdf.

File:DAS1100 Distress Alert Manual 6pp-HR.pdf


The below flow diagram is the suggested process after the emergency button is pressed.

The above process contains gaps. The onus is on the lone-working-member to ensure they personally take all precautions over their own safety such as:

  • make wise choices of which tools to operate when working alone
  • have an independent way to call help (not including the Lone Worker Alarm)
  • know the address of the Hackspace
  • ensure family/Next of kin know where they are and where Hackspace is

Hackspace address: Bizspace Unit F6 Roden House, Roden Street, Nottingham, NG3 1JH Spiral stairs door is on King Alfred Street South on the corner with Ashley Street

False Alarms


If you set off the alarm by accident

  • stay by the receiver unit until you hear a non-recorded voice
  • let the responded know that all is well and it is a false alarm
  • DO NOT TRY TO UNPLUG THE ALARM the alarm is designed as a panic alarm and it is not easy to prevent the phone calling out. It is designed to continue calling out when activated REGARDLESS OF ACTIONS TAKEN BY YOU if you unplug the alarm it may still call help but you won't be able to let the respondent know.

ACTIVATING THE ALARM AS A PRANK OR JOKE IS UNACCEPTABLE DON'T DICK AROUND WITH THIS SYSTEM Please be aware that you may cause a major problem or upset by setting this alarm off for any other reason than a serious one.

If you accidentally set off the alarm, wait by the alarm until you here a non-recorded voice and let them know it is a false alarm. The machine is a telephone with speaker phone and mic.



Issues to be considered resolved with Emergency Lone Worker Alarm System

  • Helping the emergency services gain access to the Hackspace in good time as we have no call out system or provision (i.e. no member is expected to be or should be on call to travel to Hackspace for a lone worker emergency)
  • Gatekeeper Emergency or Key Access to mag lock door? Could a key be kept with the dance school and the local shop/takeaway? Using a codeword or similar? All phone responders should have key access.
  • Who is in the space system. Could IRC record the last 2 entries and exits plus time from the space?
  • Could responders get members mobile phone number list with a level of secure access etc (not public)?
  • Should/could certain tools be "Not for lone working" such as the table saw, a tool that has been part of 2 hospital visit level accidents?

Test Log

Date Who Notes