2014-09-03 Minutes

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Minutes of meeting from 3rd September 2014, generated using the Transcript.

You can find the agenda items here.

Chair: Dominic Morrow
Minutes: Sophie Wilkinson

1. Roll Call:

Attendees: Dominic, Rob H, Vicki, Michel, Gareth, Kate, Toby, Rob M, Russell, Mouse, David C, Andrew A Apologies: Andrew

2. Announcements & Events:

Pecha Kucha is happening at Nottinghack in September.
DM is organising a Sugru evening - 30th Sept
Creator Fair coming up on 20/21st, JF put app in but unable to attend, so GH/KB will run the stall. If anyone can step up and help volunteer/run the workshops would be much appreciated

3. Actions List:

Meeting Date Action Point Actioned By Completed? Notes
2014-06-04 DM to organise election of new safety rep DM No
2014-06-04 DM to ensure Pecha Kucha is in August & September newsletters DM Yes
2014-08-06 AA to put item on Mailing List about Cordless Drills AA Yes
2014-08-06 Board to purchase new drills DC Yes
2014-08-06 Mouse to put item on Mailing List about fans Mouse Yes
2014-08-06 JF to chase rotary tool purchase via JH JF Yes
2014-08-06 RM to sort visit to Mixed Reality Lab RM Yes
2014-08-06 DM to organise Sugru event DM Yes
2014-08-06 Board to contact learning disabilities chap about using Nottinghack Board Yes

4. Finance Team, incl. Update:

No update

5. Tools Team Update:

Drills bought and batteries, gradually fed out into workshop, additional storage being arranged.

6. Craft & Textiles Team Update:

No update.

7. Resources Team Update:

Reminder, email resources@nottinghack.org.uk. Matt L just bought in pin headers, Lionel just got a bunch of nuts/bolts things and toilet paper/toilet brush etc
Request for a new toilet seat.

8. Communications Team Update:

Newsletter went out on the 1st.
There are 613 people signed up to it now. getting a lot of clickthroughs to the articles which is good.

9. Software Team:

No update.

10. Membership Team:

299 members now

11. Safety Team:

No Update

12. Wiki Team:

SRW & RH are starting the Tools Audit so you may see new QR code labels around the tools in the space.
We will start to make content as obsolete/delete.

Any Other Business

AOB: Kate - going to start pricing and figuring out new furniture for the comfy area that will be easy to clean and comfortable.
AOB: Rob: note reader is currently broken, as Daniel is the only one that can fix it and there's apparently a note jam
AOB: David C - nothing to report, plenty is ongoing
AOB: Soph - no update
AOB: Vicki: looking at reupholstering the chairs in the Studio
AOB: Gareth - no update
AOB: Andrew: resources team update - same to actual update.
AOB: Michel - no update
AOB: Russell: the issue with the Tig and the laser cutter. the tig's operation resets the rfid on the laser cutter so both cannot be used at once. Relevant people are looking to fix it, but really any help or insight needed and appreciated.
Request that you put the sign up when welding to stop people booking the laser cutter at the moment
Option may be to create a booking system for the welding that blocks out the laser cutter at the same time
Request that Rob can please place an item with the software team to look at developing this system
AOB: Toby - thank you to Sophie for the food and congratulations on the engagement
AOB: Mouse - van has been paid for, please can i be reimbursed

Actions can be chased up using the new Actions List.