2016-03-02 Transcript

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James Hayward [8:01 PM] 

The monthly members' meeting is about to start

Hold onto your hats

​*Roll Call:*​ (edited)

Russell, Matt Lloyd, Dominic, Kirsty, Alex, Joe, Michael E, Aithne, James Hayward, Rob Hunt, David Clarke, Matt Little, Ian D

​*Announcements and Events:*​ (edited)

Dominic [8:04 PM] 
joined #meetingminutes

James Hayward [8:04 PM] 
Fundraising day at the end of March - BarBot, probablt food, silent auctions

​_Michel enters_​

Please add to the list of things to sell

Money to go to Hackspace 2.5

Good Friday - Open Day (11-3)

Hopefully interest from the fundraising day

This Sunday - Hack the space day

Projects will be removed from the LPS - they were labelled "Notice of Donation" at last hack the space

There is an image library on the google group of all the projects

Tomorrow - end of rules consultation

trustees will spend a month sorting them out

12th March - Skip truck will come, need members to fill it up with rubbish out of 2.5

​*Actions and minutes*​ (edited)


​*Financial update*​ (edited)

Matt Lloyd [8:09 PM] 

James Hayward [8:12 PM] 
fixed outgoings are now below income, as expected. Work to increase membership, subscriptions and events

discussion about events detail

​*Team Updates*​

- We spelt safety wrong in the email we sent out
- Nothing to report this month; safety level meter reads "as houses" (ISO Safety Scale). (edited)

- Matt Little has ordered a selection of new tools for the electronics area. Check the post on the Google group for details. (edited)

- Thanks to Russell for helping out when we were short on membership team the other week.
- Given over 50 tours last month and there doesn't appear to be any shortage of new members.
- Exhibition day was a big draw and we seem to be getting a lot of visits on the back of events we've run.

3D Printing
- Material store is working well, sold quite a lot of filament so far, let us know if you want any specific colours.
- Fitted a replacement extruder last month which appears to be a lot more reliable and easier to use.

- Did a full restock last Saturday
- Alex still investigating the possibility of a custom controller to allow us to track cash sales. This would also allow us to by a broken vending machine chepaer and fit it with a custom controller.
- Down to our last box of Club Mate
- Currently in talks with our supplier about future orders, demand was high in the summer but we were going through less than a box a month in the winter months.

- Started listing events on external websites - Nottingham Post, What's On Nottingham, LeftLion
- Kept FB response time for messages low, often down to 5 minute gold standard
- Helped to sell out workshops with tag bombs etc.
- Got into the CQ newsletter
- FB likes 1 Feb: 1281, 23 Feb: 1320
- Twitter followers: 1 Feb: 3172, 23 Feb: 3213
- Newsletter list: February's went out to 995 subscribers, current subscriber list 1033
- Exhibition Day Advertising on FB
- Began developing contact list for Fundraising events, ready for the public announcement

- HMS 4.0 was released
- Members can now name their RFID cards and mark them as lost
- Members have access to the current door codes and wifi password which should cut down Daniel's workload
- Membership team can reactive pins easier to setup new card for members

- Working on the table saw and aim to have it running by the end of march.

- Started working on plans for Gatekeeper 2.0 to support expansion into HS2.5

James Hayward [8:30 PM] 

- We are over the target of £200 a month from events, between the team working lots of external events as well as volunteers not on the team, (Thanks to Kirsty).
We made money (£280ish) between Festival of Science and Curiosity and Women in Tech events - and have begun fostering some good relationships re future events with these organisations.

During which, some issues have been noticed with the current soldering kit - Thanks to James F for going through the kit as we learnt it's quite knackered and suggested purchases. 
-Teaching over 100 people to solder in a week
-£97.10 Proft  from Soap Making WS (Next time it will be increasing price and length - having discussed with Sue)
-Many photos of all events have been added to the google drive - assets for Comms.

​*Offer of Tool from Kerry Newman*​

photo incoming...

Dominic [8:31 PM] 
uploaded an image: Slack for iOS Upload 
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Dominic [8:31 PM] 
uploaded an image: Slack for iOS Upload 
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James Hayward [8:33 PM] 
Sander and extraction unit

David C highlights that they needed to go through a load of paperwork

last time we got anything

Offer seems to be a donation

Yes, we would like it

Has been offered to local schools too, so we may need to wait and see

Dominic and Russell to sort pickup


​*Missing Tool*​

Dewalt battery drill has gone missing

second cordless drill to go missing

Suggestion to post to the group

Tools need to be properly security marked

Email to membership


Trustees will be using the Blue room on the evening of the 22nd

