2016-06-01 Transcript

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Matt Lloyd [8:01 PM] 
June meeting
Roll Call 
Matt L, Daniel, James H, Sophie, Michael, Adam F, Nick, Vicky, Mouse, Toby, David C, Richard, Jason

Russell, Tall Tom (edited)

Announcements and Events:- Craft making workshop 19th June, jewellery making 10 July, HtSd this sunday (edited)

Actions & Minutes of Last Meeting:- all fine

Finance Team, incl Financial Update

Daniel is working on some numbers to check our 2.5 budget plans
members up more than we expect,

440 members (edited)

new soldering irons, projectors and glue guns, plus waste removal from 2.5

What is the cleaner doing… stuff, looking to do more soon once there rearrange there schedule to cover more

Team Updates;- 
Resources, Andrew is short on time
Tools, new glue guns, soldering irons, metal working still working on table saw, wood lathe suffered motor failure during repair, offered other pillar drill
We want to do a prize giveaway when we reach 1500 likes on FB. Suggestions & donations for prizes are warmly welcomed! 
FB Stats
```230 views in May (+20% month on month)
2255 people reached (+24% month on month)
4361 engagement (-9% month on month)
Are these useful?
7 people clicked on "Sign up" (+17%)
32 likes (+23%)
Total 1417 likes now
Could we be doing something clever with this information?
Mainly reaching 25-34 year olds
Fairly equal split between Women and Men
3 conversations (+50%)```
What do we as a Space want to be using FB for?    
What could we do better?    
Started drafting ideas on contacting DIY/maker focused celebrities - will continue developing the idea    
Developed "interview" questions for IoThursday chat planned with Chris Matthieu (Octoblu)    
Reached out to former BBC contacts for advice on how to get noticed by TV types

Twitter Stats
```Previous 28 days as of 25/5
Tweet impressions - 14.2K (up 74.9%)
Profile visits - 670 (down 2.5%)
Mentions - 36 (up 111.8%) - often indirects as part of other conversations
Followers - 3335 (up by 29)```

Matt Lloyd [8:13 PM] 

Matt Lloyd [8:13 PM] 
no other team updates

new Trustees, Teams have new responsible trustees
trustees can no longer be responsible for team they have vested interest in

Hackspace 2.5 Update:- Skips on last HtSd cleared a lot of the mess
pulling the floor up this sunday

Doors are expensive, current quote are in the range of £6k
Looking for fire door, and disabled access spec is pushing the cost
Project plan in hand

From a google group message from Michel: discuss spreading the load of the trustees and getting the membership more involved --Michael Erskine (talk) 10:04, 27 May 2016 (UTC)
Question raised as to if we should have more trustees?

Michael has seen in his first week that the trustees can at time do a lot of work, should this be spread around between more turstee’s
can we push it more to the members by engaging new members better

are we a service? or a community (edited)

has the space been sold in the past as a service even if the current tours are not

larger question, do we have enough members engaged in the space or helping out, are they finding out about things that are going on

Matt Lloyd [8:35 PM] 
EMFCamp village needs and costings 'RepRap’ Matt

Email with prices for village tents has been sent around
```Following tradition at other hacker festivals, EMF actively encourages activities to be hosted by our attendees in their own "villages" - areas of the campsite where small groups of people gather together and put on their own content for other attendees, or just camp as a recognisable group    .

In order to facilitate this we are able to offer those organising villages the chance to hire a small marquee/tent that will be set up for them by our suppliers, ready for when they arrive.

Currently we have three tent sizes available:
6m x 6m :    £350
3m x 6m :    £180
3m x 3m :    £100

And you can also hire chairs and tables:
Chairs :        £5
Table:          £1.50

To order these online go to https://www.emfcamp.org/tickets/choose/other - We will be closing sales no later than 28th June to ensure we are able to fullfil all orders.

All payments must be made up front and be received before we will process your order.

The EMF Team```

last round of tickets going on sale on the 8th

Matt Lloyd [8:47 PM] 
things to pay for 
food £20 per person
mobile snackspace
fire pong (edited)

Matt Lloyd [9:33 PM] 
look at two tents 
6x3 and 3x3 for £280
8 tables
20 chairs

looking to get £10 per person for the village cost, hackspace to subsidies the rest

looking at expense cost for 
barbot of £400
mobile snackspace £600
Which the save will cover but should be made back via food (edited)

Adam Froggatt [9:35 PM] 
Motion to shake @dpslwk

Matt Lloyd [9:36 PM] 
uploaded an image: Slack for iOS Upload 
Add Comment

Matt Lloyd [9:43 PM] 
in the past we have raffled tickets to members, but have decided not to this year

Matt Lloyd [9:51 PM] 
Tools offer:- another lathe, baby mill and other kit as can be seen in the #tools 
Pledge drive to be started 
but time scale could be to short
