2016-11-24 AGM Transcript

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Rob Hunt [6:56 PM]  
Welcome to the 2016 Nottingham Hackspace AGM being held on Thursday 24th November at Antenna

Rob Hunt [7:05 PM]  
Okay we're quorate at 103 members, 37 present, 8 represented by proxies and 58 proxied via email

Rob Hunt [7:24 PM]  
AGM started at 19:24

No AOB like every other AGM


Roll Call

State of the union

financial report

special resolution: definitions

special resolution: elections

Patrick McDonald

1. State of the Union (hackspace)

up to 494 members

average of 8.9 members/month

Feel free to ask questions, Daniel will provide a mic

Tasos: question about members per month

Members per month is joined - left

Some team are struggling for members, especially #membership and #comms (edited)

Question about team membership: Can we sign up at any time if we didn't do it on the way in?


Kate: Comms team is currently only 2 people

James: We will be running some drives over the next year for teams

New Tools: mini lathe, milling machine, bench PSU, CNC mill, projectors, new fridge

Complaints: 14 since November last year, 1 still active

EMF: Electro Magnetic Field - big geek festival, we had a huge village there

Every 2 years, next one is 2018, keep an eye on the google group

We took 2 big things to EMF: Fire Pong by Mouse and Ian, also took Toby's Mystery machine

Hackspace 2.5, took on new space last December

Had loans from members in April this year

Also got a £10,000 lottery grant around the same time

Since December we've taken down many walls, cleared 4 skips and 2 lorries worth of rubbish

Hack evenings on Tuesdays making progress

Doors are taking much longer than expected

Budget was predicted at £1000 for 10 doors last December

Ben Seeley [7:35 PM]  
joined #meetingminutes

Rob Hunt [7:36 PM]  
Doors orders being finalised over the next few weeks

Progress should speed up once the doors are in place

We plan to move into the back of the downstairs around March/April next year

Question from Tasos: can we get an idea about what sort of things the complaints were about? (edited)

Things like misuse of tools, data protection issues, number of behaviour (safe spaces) complaints things like that

James F: I know the hackspace 2.5 has a lot of questions about progress, I'd just like to thank all the volunteers

Froggy: for those who weren't there the front floor in HS2.5 was raised, it was about 6-10 flat pack MDF boards with carpet glued to it and nailed

All the wood was damp and all the help to remove that was appreciated

James: Was everyone aware about the survey we sent out?

First question was to thing of a word to describe the hackspace

(word cloud on screens at Antenna)

Tried to classify them as negative/positive/neutral (edited)

12 negative 12 neutral and 38 positive

We asked people if they volunteered at the hackspace

35 said they did, 25 didn't

of people who did they spent 0-10 hours at the space

We had some questions on diversity - we wanted to figure out the make up of the space

to see if we could improve the situation in some way

vast majority is white, male, middle aged

we will release the full results at a later date

Quesiton: what was the percentage that was not white/male/middle aged

about half not middle aged (edited)

less than 10% is none-white or other

we have 494 members but only had around 70 responses so far so it's not fully representative

Matts going to move onto our financial report for the year

Turnover £62k, Expenditure £51k, Surplus £1725 (edited)

fixed assets £3822

current assets, stock £52, debtors £6850 (rent deposit), £30k in bank (edited)

Richard: question about surplus

Toby: question - over the last year we've been looking at how much members pay per month, has this worked

Yes, positive improvement over the past 12 months

Additional £1500 fixed assets is from new fridge, 2 projectors and embroidery machine

Took in £41,761 in membership payments

Average of about £8.80 membership payments

Workshop income much higher this year: due to more workshops being run, EMF (sweets, barbot)

Snackspace £3,991

Tool Usage £4323

(all the laser cutter)

Tool Inductions £820

Donations £452

Members Box and RFID cards £63

Material Shop £291

Materials shop was missing a good portion of money so we're not sure we can continue it (edited)

Might have a solution to this in near future


£27k rent (due to new space downstairs)

£7k electricity

Other Utilities £1119

Infrastructure £319

Joe [7:57 PM]  
joined #meetingminutes

Rob Hunt [7:57 PM]  
Hackspace 2.5 £656

Martin F: Heating solutions - electric heaters are expensive

We're considering electric panel heaters for HS2.5 and upstairs

Possibly have them on timers to prevent them being left on

A lot of the electricity is actually from the old light fittings upstairs

LED lighting is a significant outlay but long term savings

Other ways of heating the space is gas heaters but Bizspace have put restrictions on their usage now

Dominic: Questions about teams

some teams are meant to make money can you clarify which

Yes, snackspace and materials shop

Events expenditure is high because of several workshops where equipment was needed and EMF

End of the finances

Kate: thanks to everyone who has run a workshop this year, it has bought in money and more members

Next: Constitution

Going to quickly go over the 2 parts

First will be definitions


Rob Hunt [8:12 PM]  
Can 6.3.2 be change to a total of 4 or more

Can "normal decisions" be clarified for 6.3

Josh: can you clarify what benefit the complex definition gives you

James H: the point is to help when there is a strong disagreement amongst the board, it leads to compromise and better decisions

Michael E: is it worth having this section 6 defined where it's used

Dominic: Just to confirm that this is something you already do but want to formalise it in the constitution

James H: Yes

Michael E: 6.1 use of dash make it looks like -N-1

Change 6.3 to 6.3: with the definition

Moop: does the majority mean the majority of all current trustees?


Clear Majority in favour

Next up will be Special resolution: Elections


Rob Hunt [8:31 PM]  
We're looking at elections now - we've had quite a lot in the last 12-18 months and have rewritten some of the constitution based on what we've learnt

1.7.1 covers stuff about standing down

nick_b [8:32 PM]  
joined #meetingminutes

Rob Hunt [8:33 PM]  
Michael: did trustees have to announce they didn't intent to re-stand in the past

No, but some did

Richard: standardise the capitals on Trustee

Rob Hunt [8:39 PM]  
James F: 5.3.4 slight modification "ana election for all trustees should be run"

David C: in the vent that 1 steps down within the end and another steps down this is requiring an election to be run?

Yes (edited)

David C: would it make sense to defer to the upcoming man election?

5.3.5 can accommodate this

Mouse [8:41 PM]  
joined #meetingminutes

Rob Hunt [8:42 PM]  
Josh: 5.3.5 why did you choose to have all the trustees rather than an EGM?

James H: it's not an easy thing to do or organise - 14 days notice is required

James H: may not be time to run one before the election needs to be run anyway

Michael E: 5.3.5 refers to deviations in 5.3 including itself

should be 5.4 to allow deviations from 5.3

Moving onto 5.4 (will become 5.5)

Rob Hunt [8:49 PM]  
5.5.7 allows us to run elections with terms of different lengths

the winning candidate will be appointed the longer of the terms

Dominic: with 1 candidate what happens with a draw with the RON

next section deals with ties

Any more questions about these changes?


Abstain: 1 (via proxy in room)

Against: 0

Vote passes

Constitution will be moving to Read The Docs type formatting we have used on the new rules

Pat McDonald

You should have seen an email regarding a temporary ban

Pats been a member for many years, been an ex member for the last year and rejoined a month ago

in the first 3 weeks of his membership we had 4 safe space complaints

in the past there has been 2 informal and 1 formal warning

Last Tuesday the trustees decided to enact section 4.4 of the constitution to remove a member

Given a letter informing him of 21 days to attend a meeting to decide on the ban

Pat tried to access the space and was given a copy of the letter

Russell was assaulted at the space and the police were involved

Pat wrote a letter with various complaints which various members may have received

Passed onto our legal representive who will deal with communications

Question: do you think he is a danger to the space?

James H: he has verbally abused members in the past

Question: are we/you in danger

James H: not likely unless he'd directed them at you

Kirsty: In his email he mentioned Women in Tech

Froggy: they have been emailed about the situation and have both responded

Dominic: I just want to say I have had great reason to be made uncomfortable by his actions in the past

Dominic: I don't think he is generally physically dangerous

James H: we need to decide what to do at the meeting in a few weeks regarding his membership

Leah Hallissey [9:02 PM]  
joined #meetingminutes

Rob Hunt [9:02 PM]  
James H: we don't think this will be a permeant ban but with a opportunity to be reviewed at some point

Matt L: is there any example of other hackspaces banning memebrs

Kate: Noisebridge has banned several members in the past

Tony Shannon [9:03 PM]  
I believe Southampton did 4-5 years ago

Rob Hunt [9:03 PM]  
London has also banned members for a period of time

Temporary ban is part of the complaints policy not the constitution

Toby: understand this is a difficult and new situation, thanks

Andrew: would this ban include open evenings?

Possibly if the decision is passed at the meeting

Tasos: can he collect belongings?

Yes, but he has to give 7 days notice and provide a list of items to allow us to sort it out

Question: I'm just wondering if you have anything in place to prevent incidents in the future?

Mouse has proposed new members inductions to possibly help but we don't think that would have worked in this situation

Andrew: If there is a way you can stop him sending more messages to us?

Richard: there is already a harassment warning which was centred upon when he tried to access the space but it's not related to his communications via email so please let trustees know

James H: I don't think he'll force himself into the hackspace - you don not have to let anyone into the hackspace

Matt Little: you shouldn't try and restrict someone if they are trying to force there way in, call the police and contact the trustees

James F: the email that several members got sent to - already people asking questions, wise not to have uncertainty on it

James H: we will be sending out an email to all members regarding this

Hazel: I introduced a new member to the space called Patrick Mcdonald

We'll make sure this is handled properly to avoid issues

(prize draw)

Thank you everyone for coming to support the space

--End of AGM--