2017-06-07 Transcript
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Chair: Russell Minutes: Ian Roll call: Ian D, Russell, Rob, Bob W, James T, Matt New trustees: Andrew Hood & James Taylor. Re-elected: Ian D & Matt L No other announcements Minutes of last meeting accepted Financials not available as Matt has been repairing a damaged door downstairs. Andrew W joined meeting Team updates: Safety team has doubled in size. Now Dominic and Michael. Teams and engagement being discussed. Most teams need more members. Broken band-saws: New blades have been received for metalwork bandsaw. Others need members / volunteers to help with repairs. We urgent need members to help with tool maintenance in the woodwork area. The trustees have agreed to purchase a new woodworking lathe. Collection is in the process of being arranged. Bob suggested we consider having a workshop technician to maintain tools. Trustees to discuss. Induction delays. Need more inductors in metalwork and embroidery. Suggestion to contact users and see if they are interested in becoming inductions. Rob H to send list of 3D printer and embroidery users to Ian D to follow up. 2.5 update: The team have been painting. Looking good! A painting weekend is being considered. A.O.B: Ramp to bins. Is it closed still yet? - Yes. However bins remain in same place. Accessible via lift or fire escape. We have no details on when roof will be repaired. No more A.O.B Meeting closed!