2018 Metalwork Induction Day
When is it?
The first (and experimental) Metalworking Induction Days will be the 22nd and 23rd of September (2018).
It was originally envisaged to be all day, both days, but due to the meeting now scheduled at the same time, will pause at 14:00 on the 22nd and resume after the meeting.
What is it?
Two inductors, Tom & Jelly will be available all day to complete inductions on the metalworking tools in highest demand (Bridgeport and Lathe), on a "First-Come, First-Served" basis.
The other aspects of inductions, including the fee payable to the hackspace, and supply of own materials, remains the same as with those booked via the request form.
Why is it?
We'd like to get plenty more people inducted, and to share our enthusiasm for metalworking in the space...
Unfortunately, due to personal commitments it hasn't been possible to arrange inductions from request list on a frequent basis for some time; as we both had a weekend free, we thought this could be tried as an experiment to gauge demand for this method of running inductions in future.
How is it?
You will produce a simple piece, on the machine of your choice under the supervision and guidance of an inductor.
If you are competent on the machines already, say so and we can run a quicker induction with a hands-off approach, where you just produce something which approximates to the part from the drawing (we won't be measuring, so don't worry!).
The pieces have been selected to be small, straightforwards and (with a little extra work using the drawings, outside the induction) become a useful personal metalworking tool for you to retain.
We have prepared drawings for the induction pieces, (File:Induction Drawings 24-08-2018.pdf - printable version).

Please familiarize yourself with the items you'll be making, and look at the advice on obtaining your own materials for the day, in our experience for small amounts of metal stock EBay is usually the easiest source.