2019-04-03 Transcript

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Members meeting - 3 Apr 2019

Chair: James A
Minutes: James T

Announcements/Events: None
Another Hack the Space Day/Weekend planned for summer/when weather is warmer for further painting

Dan questions who is driving that event, James A confirms no-one specific allocated (James A and Sophie were responsible last time)

Green Fest:
Sept 15th
Booking another stall - (hackspace ducks 2.0!)

Rent negotiations:
Bizspace appear to be making concessions allowing us to retain the security of tenure, acknowledging that we already have this
Figures/level of rent increase yet to be finalised - details to be clarified e.g. if VAT is included in figures given and amount of 'backdated' rent

Volunteer coordinator role still being clarified

Teams updates -

Everything seems to be working fairly smoothly, working on dust extraction
Noted that the woodworking area has been quite quiet in recent months

Large Project Storage:
Dependent on rearranging/movement of old electronics area - new shelving has been installed in the new electronics area, waiting to be painted
Discussion of using different boxes more suited to shelving
Need to identify what we want to keep/dispose of from old electronics area and then identify whether to use existing/new storage boxes

2.5 Update:
Electrics ring mains half way round classroom, enclosures for lighting, transformer on wall
Gatekeeper to be installed for communal door this/next week
Once installed access will probably retain existing 2.5 permissions in HMS
Downstairs members storage room probably has 2-3 hours work to be 'ready' but other concerns that downstairs is not safe to be opened to general use/that opening to wider membership could impact the ability of the 2.5 team to finish off other areas, etc.
Bob notes that 2.5 team is extremely small
Had 3 members at last Tuesday's meeting

CNC Update:

jamestaylor [8:20 PM]
Dan has run 15 workshops, with another planned next week (and beyond)

jamestaylor [8:21 PM]
Question about young hackers (with parents) using the CNC machine
Approval from all trustees present and room that is it permitted

New CNC machine is in pieces in 2.5 and the new enclosure is being built by Alex at a good pace
Dan wants to buy a new computer to run existing CNC machine - existing machine is technically within spec but limits accessibility for use (edited) 
Enough support in CNC channel to fund pledge drive for a new computer
James A wants to discuss contribution to pledge drive from space funds with trustees also
Specs dicussed in CNC channel and will be listed in pledge drive at length when live
Clarification that pledges reference 'suffix' can be determined by the person that starts the pledge drive i.e. Pledge-CNC...
Inductions planned for new CNC machine

Some items we have purchased have come to within 1 month of use by dates
Happy for them to have price dropped/be donated to kitchen/offered to events e.g. Film Night or 2.5 team/similar

Wiki team:
Fantastic amount of activity on wiki - congrats all

Will metalworking band-saw be getting a new blade?
Link on wiki from startrite bandsaw page

dpslwk [8:34 PM]
all ready on order (edited) 

jamestaylor [8:35 PM]
Russel mentions new blades need to be run on softer material first to improve life

Events team:
Dan asking about events team (currently defunct, no set budget/assigned trustee)
in order to run casting workshops
possible collaboration with Backlit on outside space/new basement spaces


jamestaylor [8:47 PM]
Early April - message to Google Groups and posters in space
19/4/19 - May 2019 election notice emails sent
26/4/19 - Nominations window opens
15/5/19 - Nominations reminder email to be sent
16/5/19 - Nominations window closes
ASAP - Put candidate details on wiki
18/5/19 - Send announcement of election email
24/5/19 - Set up OpaVote with 'OpaVote emails'
25/5/19 - Voting begins
31/5/19 - Voting ends
1/6/19 - Announce results and add new trustee details on wiki, new trustee induction emails
5/6/19 - Expected trustee handover meeting with new and old trustees
Multiple positions up for nomination so encouragement for others to stand
Get in touch with a trustee or ex-trustee if you have questions
Info will be publicized to members by emails/posters/social media

Dan asked about inductions spreadsheet - looking to notify old members about outstanding requests and reset sheet

End of meeting

^ Roll Call: Russ, Glen, Mike, Ali, Ali, Stephen, Dan, Bob

Meeting drawing by Mike Haber