2020-02-05 Transcript
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Members meeting 5th February 2020 ==Roll Call== Trustees: Dominic, Dan, Russell Treasurer: Matt Gareth, Mike, Julian, Daniel, Martin, Ali, Emily, Bob, Andrew ==Announcements & Events== Dan told us about the Green Festival for Sept 2020 13th September 2020 at the Arboretum Dan told us about upcoming events CNC workshop on Tuesday a lino cut workshop on the 22nd Feb is sold out Communications workshop from Mike Haber All these are up on Eventbrite. ==Actions & Minutes from the last meeting== Minutes from last meeting are up on slack. No issues with the minutes Gareth gives us an update about the mural on the wall. The wall is going to be whited out at the next hack the space day. ==EMF Camp== Andrew has been coordinating our Barbot revival There will be a fundraiser to help us cover the cost of a marquee & drinks for barbot There is a pay-it-forward page on the wiki The ticket pledge page is intended to help anyone who would like to go but cannot otherwise afford to go https://wiki.nottinghack.org.uk/wiki/EMF_2020_Ticket_Pledge If you have plans to run a workshop or talk there is a call for participation open now. We have one on our wiki page for our village and EMF website has one for the festival Tickets sell out very fast so please make yourself known if you'd like to go :slightly_smiling_face: There will be 3 batches released for general ticket sales. There should hopefully be village tickets available to nottinghack members ==Team Updates== ===Laser report=== In January 74 members used the laser cutters. The A0 usage was 159 hours. The A2 usage was almost 25 hours. Between them they generated an income of £541.05 6 inductions were completed in Jan. A new maintainer, Dave Humphreys has been trained and has joined the team. The A0 laser PC has been updated to Windows 10 by Dan S. Thanks Dan. There was small fire in the A0 laser over the weekend resulting in damage to the red aiming dot laser. This has been replaced and an aiming dot laser has also been fitted to the A2 laser. ===Membership report=== Current membership number as at 2/2/20 stands at 719. As I'm sure everyone is aware, every Wednesday the Hackspace has an Open Night and not one goes by without visitors calling in for a look around. We also receive a number of emails each week into the membership inbox that need answering. We also frequently receive enquiries to run tours for visitors, or set up cards for new members, at times other than a Wednesday Open Night. However, at present the membership team is quite small and would really benefit from a few more members joining and helping with greeting visitors, giving tours, setting up new door cards, reviewing membership details and answering questions from prospective members. Don't worry if you've not been a member for long yourself, or perhaps don't think you know enough about how the Hackspace runs. We can fill in any gaps in knowledge and you'll soon get to know the answers to most of the regular questions people ask. It can be quite rewarding. Most visitors are genuinely impressed and excited by what the Hackspace is and what it has to offer. If you are interested in joining us, or just learning a little more about what it involves, feel free to post a reply on the Google Group, contact us by email membership[at]nottinghack[dot]org[dot]uk, post a message in #membership on slack, send a private message to us, or speak to one of us on a Wednesday evening. @maq Has been acting as a greeter. Would like to be shown how to activate RFID cards. @starmouse also offers to help Howard joined the meeting ===Woodworking=== No Update ===Metalworking=== Replacement fuses for TIG Welder are required and are on order ===Software & Networking=== No update ===Comms=== We need writers for the newsletter @Andrew Armstrong @Gareth Howell @Dominic Morrow All offer to help @DanS To send a list of topics around @maq asks about the Wordpress Blog. @DanS OR @Samathy Barratt can create accounts. There is some curation that needs to be done to ensure the content is suitable ===Hackspace 3.0=== In 2020 we are going to be working on Hackspace 3.0. This means joining Hackspace 2.0 & 2.5 Its going to be expensive! We are no longer in a financial crisis. We have lots of members and need to pay to get this done properly to the legal requirements and specifications Architects are engaged to give us some advice. They have provided us with a quote for this and we are making sure that this is competitive by getting quotations from other architects too Some plans have been recieved. The Trustees are actively working on getting this done. We will be using real architecture firms to do this work that we can hold to account We won't be needlessly blowing money on marble stairs or gold leaf Q: Will bizspace be contributing to this? A: Nope, they wont do that. One of the core objectives of the project is to provide accessibility features We will be putting in a platform stairlift suitable for wheelchairs Emily mentions that Bizspace got an engineer in to look at the lift and they are chasing up the report. Emily will keep the trustees up to date on that line of investigation ==Financial Updates== Our treasurer produces the report on the first wednesday of the month From now on we will be discussing the previous month in the members meeting This will allow the trustees time to allocate budgets to teams for the coming month ==Any other business== Andrew brings up the discussion about chairs on slack from a few days ago Chairs are a bit like shoes. We could steal some shoes and have shoes that are good enough for a while. Or we could buy a good pair and shoes that are good quality and fit for purpose. As a space we should move towards planning our furniture and resources so that they are suitable for the massive number of members that we have 9:04 PM Meeting Closed