The nomination window is now closed.
The election will start on the 16th June this year and it will run for 7 days. All members, no matter how remote, will be able to vote.
The election will take place electronically using OpaVote.
Our returning officer for this election is Ian Dickinson, who will set up and handle the OpaVote system for the election.
You will receive an individual voting email to your HMS registered email address.
There are three open positions, and the following members have put themselves forward to be trustees.
 Betty Ching
An enthusiastic, creative and organised individual.
Having years of experience being a business consultant, I am well versed on coordination and collaboration between teams. I am resourceful and a good listener.
As a maker and a tutor, I would like to use my experience to organise more skill-share sessions. It should be a great opportunity to further advertise our space to the general public, perhaps draw in some new members.
When the space reopens, I look forward to kickstart our space again, organise events and workshops.
 Daniel Wilson
Hi my name is Daniel Wilson,
I've been a member of hackspace for 2 years, and in that time I've mainly been working on book binding and woodworking.
I've always been good at communicating with people and am able to come to compromises. I have previously been elected course representative where I was one of the two go betweens between students and teachers for any issues that were going on.
I would like to try to resurrect the Nottinghack youtube channel in order to improve communication about what is going on in the space and give more information to new members.
 Dom Marshall
With over 25 years experience working across multiple design and craft disciplines, from themed environments, theater, sculpture, interiors and architecture, I have quite the experience for the role of Trustee. Being self employed I have been successfully operating my business, Bounce Architecture for over 8 years.
I have been nominated and received multiple awards for my creative endeavors, recently wining a Prestige Award for best Residential Architectural Service Provider 2020/21, UK Construction Week Role Model 2020, Structural Timber Awards finalist 2021 and finalist in the regional LABC awards 2018 and a couple of others...
Some of my work has been in galleries, I have a permanent public monument that I made located in the East of England, some props, effects and illusions I make have been used in performance all over the world. And one or two of the things I have made at Hackspace, using the laser facilities have found buyers in the states and at home. The fun stuff made here at Hackspace has brought comfort and smiles to orphanages housing terminally ill HIV children in parts of Asia.
You can review my work website: for a little more of my social media presence and/or check my profile as principle designer at Bounce Architecture...I would post the link but sadly my trusted stead of a desktop fails to connect to the
Not entirely sure what I could say I could do for Hackspace as a trustee but what I do know is I bring a variety of experience and creative energy with me. And could assist others to maximize the benefits of membership and to help facilitate best outcomes for Hackspace going forward for existing and new members alike.
No, im not a programer or tech geek (no offense to those that are)...
Happy voting…
 Joshua Kelly
Over the past 7 years of involvement with the hackspace I have completed at least one full cycle of:
- tentative new member,
- enthusiastic member of the do-ocracy,
- stressed quasi-member with less time than enthusiasm,
- almost invisible technically-still-a-member,
- and back again feeling all new and out of touch.
At each juncture I've seen how much hard work goes into making the space function, and I feel it's high time to give something back.
Having held ops management and strategic/business leadership roles across the Oil & Gas, Chemicals, and Waste & Recycling sectors in my day job as an Engineer, yet having the exposure to how the hackspace functions best for its members (having been one of the more irritatingly enthusiastic do-ers in my time)...
I feel I'm unusually well positioned to help the trustee board navigate many of the complex and "unsexy" issues around things like safety, financial risk management and legal liability which can prove particularly challenging, whilst keeping the needs and desires of members squarely in the middle of things.
 Mark Thompson
I have been a Trustee for the last two years, and as society and the Hackspace opens back up, I feel somebody who has already been doing the role of Trustee would be of great use to the Hackspace.
I managed to get the government restart and closure grants from the council for Nottingham Hackspace. I will continue to give my knowledge from the leisure industry, as this is my day job.
I am excited as to what Nottinghack will be like post-Lockdown.
 Tom Barratt
Hello! I’m Thomas Barratt, a 3rd year Computer Science & AI student at Loughborough University, and the founder of a mechatronic-specialising engineering consultancy and robotics development firm.
While I’ve only been a member for about a year, I feel I should take this opportunity to give back to the space – the space provided (and still provides) me a great foundation for me to start my business, as it offers the space and equipment needed to work when it isn’t feasible to get them for myself.
Being on the younger side of the community, I hope to use this to provide a potentially fresh perspective on things combined with my professional experiences from university and running a business, to continue the positive growth of our great community and space.
Running and being the sole employee of a company has provided me with lots of experience, such as working with various equipment and processes, the administrative and strategic work to ensure the business continues to grow in the right direction, and working with clients/stakeholders to ensure I provide the best services & products to them – all of which I feel are applicable and make me suitable for a role as a Trustee.
I look forward to being in the space much more in the (hopefully) near future, and finally meeting you all there too!
- Tom Barratt