2022-05-04 Transcript

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Andrew Armstrong  20:01
Meeting May 4th  2022
Attending: Maq, Bob Wood, Steve Barnett, Malcolm C, James Spence, Gareth, Ian Dickinson, Sam, Andrew A (plus briefly Jack), Betty C (edited) 

Fire and Dusty Area
Thanks to Bob for cleaning and putting most machines back into order.
Extractor will be got via. auction most likely. Joshua looking at one.
Risk Assessment on the Table Saw and it is up in the air what the options are, and will be brought to a members meeting.
Hackspace 3.0
Joshua still working on plans and going to hopefully get rough ballpark quotes soon.
We could do with a grant for the toilet if anyone has experience with getting grants.

Andrew Armstrong  20:10
Elections 2022 - 4 open positions so need 5 candidates. Send in your nominations before midnight 10th of May.
Hack the Space Weekend - once every other month, alternating Saturday and Sunday. We'll be getting a disposal company (a few men and a van) for the waste downstairs so no need to get a skip in. Suggest 19th June for now.
EMF - If you're attending add yourself to the wiki page or tell us. Space in village and transport. Tuesday evening meeting for EMF on Zoom.
Green Festival - Ian is heading up contact him if you want to help.
Actions & Minutes of Last Meeting

Andrew Armstrong  20:22
Team updates
CnC - Moved the CnC tools upstairs now on new table and thanks to Douglas and everyone involved in doing that.
Laser - Cleaned up on Hack the Space day and Greg sorting samples materials shop
Metalworking - Ask on Slack for inductions rather than using the form, will use the spreadsheet to keep track. Courses from the college also are being arranged.
Craft - Embroidery Machine - should be ready for use by next week after servicing.
On Charging for Embroidery Machine:
Nice set of threads provided by the space will be done
Thoughts on charging:
Some opinions on since we're paying for thread, and maintenance, it can help the space that way
Charge can help people think in the right direction, and people value it
Suggestion of putting thread in the vending machine from James S but this might be a later way to deal with thread misuse if it ever happens
Betty suggests £1 / hour
Membership team ran open night went well - thanks to everyone who attended. Next one is next week.
Woodworking - everything in the dusty area everything is working other than the Table Saw. Electrics being looked at.

Andrew Armstrong  20:28
Blue Room
A discussion on the Blue Room improvements that Andrew A, Gareth and Mike discussed at the last Hack the Space Day.
Having moved CnC leaving more space for 3D printers and electronics to expand.
The Blue Room could be a good hangout, cowork kind of area.
A sofa on the wall where the plotter is, and touching up the kitchenette area, for sitting down.
Middle table to be replaced with a similar sized one and rotated.
Back wall to have the large TV added.
TV wall to have 2 desks under with media PCs
Shelving - replace with some better cabinet storage and have some shelving removed to allow artwork and nicer relaxing area.

jymbob  20:36
:wave: sorry I'm late

moop  20:38
I use these dual monitor trees that clamp to the desk, might be a good way to make a thinner desk work well https://www.amazon.co.uk/Duronic-DM252-Monitor-Adjustable-Screens/dp/B019LNW52C/ref=a[…]=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006507&hvtargid=pla-422803125583&psc=1

1 reply
27 days agoView thread

Andrew Armstrong  20:38
Kitchen area needs plumbing up
Would be good to have a hangout area
Prices of the IKEA suggestions was around £953 but we could look for a second hand sofa
Suggest some newer office chairs would be good - second hand probably since there would be a lot of them
Table (STRANDTORP) is slightly thinner
Desk is perhaps a bit too thin - 65cm - but the monitor trees Steve posted would be a good solution to keep it clear
Suggestion we do a field trip to IKEA to look at some of the options of tables, sofas and chairs!

moop  20:41
replied to a thread:
I use these dual monitor trees that clamp to the desk, might be a good way to make a thinner desk work well https://www.amazon.co.uk/Duronic-DM252-Monitor-Adjustable-Screens/dp/B019LNW52C/ref=a[…]=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006507&hvtargid=pla-422803125583&psc=1
the same thing with a 60cm tall pole is preferable (40cm is a bit short IMO)

Andrew Armstrong  20:45
Suggestion on the other side:
Bob suggests second hand furniture to look at some of those things
Focus is certainly to fix the sink area up and get a kettle in
Note latecomers; Mike Haber and jymbob

Andrew Armstrong  21:03
Further suggestions:
Look at tables as a priority
Look at second hand available items (ask membership maybe?) especially for the sofa
Review the PCs more immediately - jymbob can do this and look at Windows 10
Create channel - done #blueroom
£38,163.59 in current account but no financials from Matt recently however for more specifics.
Minimum fee is incoming soon when we sort rules and other aspects around it. Doing £5 minimum likely. Is because of VAT not because of financial issues.

Andrew Armstrong  21:09
Archive Tools channel and the broken tools form can go to individual channels (already goes to Laser for instance)
Fix tools email later
Email issues still being solved by Steve - proper inboxes

1 reply
27 days agoView thread

Andrew Armstrong  21:12
Membership audit issues:
Known, Ian has reported it to Matt, to do with a joint account issue
Meeting End

2 replies
Last reply 27 days agoView thread

iandickinson  22:33
replied to a thread:
The broken tools form now defaults to #woodworking if the correct channel is unknown. I've removed the A2 laser and added the CNC machines to the form. The #tools channel has now been archived.