2025-01-08 Transcript
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Roll call: Aaron, Shane, Sylvan, Betty, JonW, Shane, Gareth, Malcolm, Eddie, Steve, Edgar, BobW, Jason,
Announcements and Events
- Welcome and Happy New Year 😁
- Nothing currently planned for Comat Robotics - they will figure out a date soon. The last one was on the 22nd of December.
- Radio Group - The next one will be on the 12th of February.
- One Shot Wonders - Anything planned? Probably later this month, maybe the 23rd. Not entirely sure what will be played yet. Gareth will add it as a Discord event when ready. Some people have been away etc and it's cold! Just before Christmas we did a One Shot Wonders film night - The Princess Bride, it was nice.
- Coffee and CAD - This will be on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
- Wiki Cleanup - It's a competing event, also on the 3rd Wednesday.
- Hack the Space Day - This weekend on Saturday! Shane has requested more cinnamon things (quaffles?).
- Avenues first, of course. We'll start at 11ish, breakfast at 10.
- Adobe Illustrator Workshop on Saturday the 18th - it's a free workshop, there's an event on Discord if you want to click the "Interested" button. You'll need a laptop, preferably with Illustrator installed.
- Update regarding the register of members: Due to how the Hackspace is set up, we do need to keep a record of your legal name and an address you can be contacted at. (This can be a PO box!)
- As usual, if you have ideas for events, please feel free to do it.
Actions from the last meeting
- Nothing.
- We had Festivus! It was great. What did Santa bring you for Christmas? Shane got a filofax. We laser engraved a mince pie during Festivus. It did not smell good.
- Both sides of the train departure board now work! 🎉
Metalworking Downstairs
- Tony has put up some draft socket positions in the new metalworking area. If you're about and can have a look at them, that would be great - feel free to point out stuff which doesn't make sense, make a note of it somewhere.
- Steve suggests we may be bypassing the team a little bit as some people aren't back yet to take a look. We don't want to do that. Steve mentions that the difference between getting a member to have done it vs hiring an electrician means there's some extra pressure to get it right (sorry if this is minuted wrong - hard to follow some parts).
Team Updates
- Any team updates from the meeting?
- Woodworking: On top of the tablesaw inductions, Eddie is still working on the planer/thicknesser inductions, although the solo thicknesser doesn't work - spare parts aren't available for it anymore (Malcolm confirms, it was his originally). Eddie is hoping to run a pledge drive a new one in the coming weeks. Malcolm mentions his preference is for a single thicknesser, not a planer/thicknesser.
- Metalworking Inductions: There's a long list for the college courses. Betty has invited the welder to do one-to-one inductions in the space. He's interested, so this will hopefully be something that can happen soon. Is the welding equipment working upstairs? Martin says he thinks so - the mig welder might have too long a feed cable. Not sure about the tig. Eddie mentions there was a post in metalworking recently saying none of the welders are working. This was on the 19th of December, Jon found it: mig never fed smoothly, tig you can't adjust current, same with arc. Hopefully someone can check this.
- Comms - Gareth has asked if people can volunteer to do one blog post per week. It's a great idea, reduce the effort per person and makes the blog more active. If 12 people volunteer it means we will have at least one post per month, which will be cool. Gareth might make a wiki page or organise a meeting to plan this. Sustainability over quantity! There's also a thread on Discord (linked from the comms channel). Steve mentions the public show and tell might be a good place to ask people if they can write a blog about what they've posted.
- During lockdown there were newsletters and people did interviews about stuff they were working on. Gareth picked these up from what people have done on Slack.
- Laser: There was a small incident with the laser cutter, there was an arc flash which caused a temporary injury. Please make sure you're not watching while working on reflective materials (e.g. metal...). Laser team will be updating signage soon, so hopefully this will be included. Inductions will now mention this information.
- Electronics: During hack the space day, there will be a meetup at around 1pm to discuss ideas for the next year.
Financial Update
- Nothing on the wiki yet - bank balance is getting healthier and increasing a little bit each month, so we're heading in the right direction. Main reason for this is new members, so big thanks to the membership team for running tours.
- Quick mention of lack of people helping in the membership team - if you have a bit of time spare on Wednesdays please consider helping with the tours. 🙂