Financials 2012 October

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A breakdown of our finances for the month of October, 2012.

Quick summary

Start bank balance: £3511.08

Out: £1616.09

In: £1775.29

End: £3670.28

Paypal Start: £43.76

Paypal End: £43.76

Cash Start balance: £84.02

Cash In: £568.49

Cash Out: £180.27

Cash End: £472.24


Start: 128

New: 7

Ex: 7

End: 128

Average membership due: £12.72

In/out Breakdown


BizSpace: £1,180.08

Talk talk: £28.74

Insurance: £65.39

Loan: £208.33

Other: £133.55


Membership dues: £1523.29

Petty Cash Deposits: £207.00

Workshops: £

Donations: £

Events: £

Pledges: £45]