Financials 2017 December

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A breakdown of our finances for the month of December, 2017. For the previous month see 2017 November, for the next month see 2018 January.

Quick summary

Overall Assets: £22,773.11

Current Assets £13,411.13
Petty Cash £127.88
FairFX £2,071.83br>/> Natwest Account £297.50
Paypal £5.58
TSB Account £10,908.34
Other Assets
Fixed Assets £2511.98
Rental Deposit £6,850.00

In/out Breakdown

Income:Inductions:Laser Induction £20.00
Income:Inductions:Planer Thicknesser £30.00
Income:Membership Payments £4,773.11
Money In £4,823.11

Expenses:BOC Gas £26.70
Expenses:Bank Service Charge £21.26
Expenses:Bizspace Rent:F6 £1,063.20
Expenses:Bizspace Rent:G4,5,6 £1,629.60
Expenses:Insurance £102.74
Expenses:Teams:Network and Servers £58.86
Expenses:Teams:Saftey £687.00
Expenses:Teams:Snackspace £341.08
Expenses:Teams:Woodworking £5.39
Expenses:Utilities:Council Tax £193.00
Expenses:Utilities:Electric £580.93
Expenses:Utilities:Internet £46.49
Income:Membership Payments £809.34
Liabilities:Accounts Payable £220.00
Liabilities:Membership Loan Payable £435.00
Money Out £6,220.59

Difference -£1,397.48