HMS/New Member Signup

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Here's how an interested person can sign up to become a hackspace member. Note, this is only possible from inside the space, on a device connected to the members only HSNOTTS wifi network. This is basically to satisfy the conditions that interested people have visited the space and spoken to a member, which are almost always necessary if a new person is going to decide on an appropriate level of membership payment.


From a device on the HSNOTTS network, go to . You'll see the screen below, with a register interest button in the top right. From other networks, you'll see the same page, but without the registration button:


Click register interest, enter email address, then the register button.

Enter Email address

HMS should return registration success, and the prospective member will have an email with next steps. The email will be from membership at nottinghack dot org dot uk, which tends to fall afoul of spam filters. Tell them to check spam if it hasn't shown up after a few minutes, and if they still don't have it, a member admin can resend (steps below).

Registration Successful

Sending Membership Reminders

You need to be on the membership team to do this. First, log in to HMS, then click on Members in the top left.

Log in to HMS

From there, use the search box to find the right member. Alternatively, the membership summary pages will show a list when you click on any member type at the left:

Membership summary

You can search by email address too. If it's not in HMS, that means signup didn't succeed, but HMS is generally reliable for that kind of thing: we've not had a signup fail without a more obvious sign, such as the confirmation page not loading.

Locate the correct member in the list, then click on Send Membership Reminder:

Reminder option

From the lists of member types, there's a relevant send reminder option at the far right for Prospective members, which sends a HMS sign up details reminder; Pre-Member (Stage 1), which sends a link to submit contact details; and Pre-Member (Stage 3), which sends a reminder of standing order details for membership payments.