Lone Working

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At the Hackspace, every member has an obligation to act in a safe manner. This is especially important to keep in mind when there is no one else around who can help you if something goes wrong. Members are not considered "workers" strictly speaking, but the guidance around Lone Workers from the government is worth reviewing.

If you find yourself working in the space, out of contact with anyone else, consider these precautions:

  • Ensure your mobile phone is charged and that it remains within reach, in a pocket and not hidden in a bag.
  • Strongly consider if your activity is certain to be safe. If not, wait for other members to be around.
  • Although we don't have any tools like this at the moment, in the future some tools may be marked as 'Not safe for Lone Working'. Check the wiki first.
  • Confirm that you know where the first aid kit is _right now_. It may have moved since you last registered it.
  • Accidents and near misses must be reported, especially whilst Lone Working. (We can work to make these activities safer.)
  • Let someone know that you're in the Hackspace. This could be another member (on Discord) or someone else. Let them know when you're leaving.
  • Remember, guests are allowed in the Space. Feel free to bring one along to help whilst Lone Working.

Some of these steps may seem silly, but accidents can happen in the Space and should be mitigated.


This page was heavily inspired by the Swansea Hackspace's Lone Working policy.