BarBot/Recipe execution software
< BarBot
(Redirected from Project:BarBot/Recipe execution software)Recipe Execution
Once a drink has been selected in the user interface, the recipe in the database must be translated into instructions for the hardware control system.
Example: Gin & tonic
BarBot config:
- 'Home' position is 0
- Gin in position 2
- Postmix in position 7
- Tonic water on postmix with ID=2
- Postmix delivery unit = 50 ml
G&T Recipe:
- 2 x measure of gin
- 150 ml tonic water
- Ice
- Slice of lemon
Instructions generated (pseudocode here would actually be opcodes sent to Arduino using I2C or UART)
- VerifyWithOperator()
- MoveToPosition(2)
- Dispense(2)
- MoveToPosition(7)
- Dispense(3)
- MoveToPosition(0)
- OperatorMessage("Add ice")
- OperatorMessage("Add lemon")
Note: VerifyWithOperator() should require operator intervention. The operator will be required to check the punter is of age and such, and that a receptacle is present.
Design notes from 26/06/2014: