Radiation Monitor

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This pledge is for a uRADMonitor - a high quality automated background radiation detector, that runs on minimal power and constantly monitors the radiation levels, to protect your health and interests, as the world's first uncensored, open, radiation monitoring network. It is a distributed crowd project that relies on public support.

The plan would be to install it at the Hackspace.

Details about the device can be found here: http://www.uradmonitor.com/quick-details-on-uradmonitor/

There is also some additional information about the project on Hackaday: https://hackaday.io/project/1662-global-radiation-monitoring-network

By joining this device to the network we can contribute to the global map, providing readings for Nottingham.

Short review of the device by Dave Jones from the EEVBlog (video will jump to correct position when playback starts).

Radu Motisan, the project founder has a very limited supply of devices available at the moment, the cost including shipping would be €179 which works out to about £130.

Who How Much Paid Method Paid
Rob H £30 N
'RepRap' Matt £15 N
Daniel S £10 N
Paul Meynell £10 N

Pledges Raised: £65.00 / £130.00 (50.00%)

Pledges Collected: £0.00 / £65.00 (0.00%)