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This widget can be used to calculate the total of values in a table column and aditionally provide grouped totals based on values in another column.

Using this widget

You can insert a table total with the following wiki code:



The index of the table on the page containing the values (0 = the first table). Default: 0
The index of the column within the table which contains the values (0 = the first column). Default: 2
The index of the column within the table which contains the group information (0 = the first column). Optional.


Date Item Price Buyer
2014-07-10 Plywoood £22.99 Alice
2014-07-15 M3 Bolts £3.50 Alice
2014-07-15 10 RGB LEDs £7.49 Bob

Date Item Price Buyer
2014-07-10 Plywoood £22.99 Alice
2014-07-15 M3 Bolts £3.50 Alice
2014-07-15 10 RGB LEDs £7.49 Bob

Total: £33.98