2012-07-04 Minutes: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Board Meetings]]
[[Category:Board Meetings|^Year 2^]]

Revision as of 21:16, 17 November 2012

These are historical, actions have not been extracted into the Wiki

Roll Call

Board Members

This meeting was quorate


Full Minutes

Time Name Minute
20:10:19 KateMonkey I am taking minutes! Because I am the kind of person who can!
20:12:33 KateMonkey Members in attendance:
20:12:35 KateMonkey Kate
20:12:38 KateMonkey Jake
20:12:41 KateMonkey Dominic
20:12:43 KateMonkey Matt
20:12:46 KateMonkey James
20:12:48 KateMonkey David Clarke
20:12:57 KateMonkey Non-Board Members:
20:12:58 KateMonkey Justin
20:13:08 KateMonkey Trixie
20:13:10 KateMonkey daniel
20:13:11 KateMonkey Gillian
20:13:19 KateMonkey Actions update:
20:13:35 KateMonkey Marcus still has an open item to up membership
20:13:44 KateMonkey Declared a victory and pointed towards Kate
20:14:01 KateMonkey Tony was going to set up the spray booth.
20:14:17 KateMonkey Switched to Max, who is making progress
20:14:24 KateMonkey Debate over whether or not to have the potter's wheel in the spray booth
20:14:34 KateMonkey Dominic is against it because it would take up too much space.
20:14:47 KateMonkey James is for it because it can fit in the corner
20:15:04 KateMonkey Dominic would like to see plans. James says it's massive and would fit.
20:15:28 KateMonkey Dominic is outvoted 3 to 1
20:16:09 KateMonkey Debate on how messy the potter's wheel is going to be.
20:17:05 KateMonkey Dominic still thinks it will use too much space, and wants the spray booth to be used just for spraying.
20:17:35 KateMonkey James - Add historical minutes to the wiki - in progress
20:17:47 KateMonkey Pat - Area for leaving projects for a few days - nothing done.
20:18:04 KateMonkey Matt Lloyd - Door lock - came in today, going to be fitted on friday.
20:18:21 ChickenGrylls (5c1b07ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joined the channel.
20:18:23 KateMonkey David Clarke: Tools & Equipment
20:18:33 KateMonkey David's updated tools we have and tools we would like
20:18:40 KateMonkey Listed on the wiki and in the google group
20:18:54 KateMonkey Prices and info needed
20:19:05 KateMonkey and an idea/policy for moving forwards
20:19:15 KateMonkey i.e. do we buy when we can afford it (the big and shiny things)
20:19:27 KateMonkey or do we replace existing items for better things
20:19:32 KateMonkey More input is needed
20:20:21 KateMonkey Dominic is suggesting coming up with ideal circumstances for particular areas (i.e. the best woodworking area, etc.)
20:20:30 kimjonggill (5c1b07ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joined the channel.
20:20:58 KateMonkey List out Barbie's Dream Workspace, then price it out, then have months and periods where we fundraise/shop for that place.
20:22:41 KateMonkey David: Special offers and bargains is something that should be taken care of - do we need things or are we buying them just because they're on sale?
20:23:58 KateMonkey We should buy better tools, not cheaper tools - time to stop buying the Lidl discounts and, instead, buy the high quality stuff.
20:25:03 KateMonkey David will organise this project on the list.
20:26:14 KateMonkey Debate about the flypress that has been offered. Dominic wonders about the lack of space and big things coming in.
20:27:35 KateMonkey David points out that we need more blue end-frames for the shelving
20:28:06 KateMonkey Dominic suggested a place near Shipton's Brewery, but it is now closed.
20:28:29 KateMonkey Dominic then suggests getting new shelving possibly - for better spacing and organisation.
20:28:47 KateMonkey Part of the Barbie's Dream Workspace concept, then.
20:28:57 KateMonkey Donations:
20:29:14 KateMonkey Jake did some great work on the two-box system, but now it's a little more complicated
20:29:17 KateMonkey And it's missing discipline
20:29:23 KateMonkey (Dominic is saying all this)
20:29:45 KateMonkey The original premise of the two-box system was clearing out the boxes every other month on an alternating basis.
20:30:13 KateMonkey And needs people to be empowered for people to throw things away - they should and *could* throw them all away
20:30:42 KateMonkey David Clarke and Dominic suggest using actual months on the boxes
20:30:54 KateMonkey 1. Boxes listed as July or August (respectively)
20:31:02 KateMonkey 2. You put items into this month's box or next month's box.
20:31:17 KateMonkey 3. If you want things, you take things away.
20:31:32 KateMonkey 4. End of the month, everyone can throw it away.
20:32:10 KateMonkey James asked about WEEE disposal. David points out that he carries things in his tiny car, so it's all residential and doesn't get charged.
20:32:48 KateMonkey Dominic suggests we move away from Jake's system of Working/Not-Working/Parts, due to being too complicated and needing work done.
20:34:10 KateMonkey Jake says that the not-working/working needs to be listed, because it should be pointed out, and Dominic points out that people aren't following the rules right now, so as best practice, people should 'Red X' non-working items.
20:34:33 KateMonkey Dominic would like David Clarke to take charge, since he bins things nicely.
20:34:48 KateMonkey David says that all existing stuff in there will be binned end of July.
20:35:07 KateMonkey Dominic will write the details to the list.
20:35:30 KateMonkey Explaining how it's going to go and how it's going to be.
20:35:57 KateMonkey National Events Planning: Nottinghack Inclusion
20:36:23 KateMonkey Dominic suggests that we shouldn't go to all the mini maker faires next year
20:36:47 KateMonkey Finite number of people, finite number of projects, let's do less and give big bangs for certain ones.
20:37:46 KateMonkey Local maker faires for local people
20:37:59 KateMonkey Derby and National always
20:38:28 KateMonkey Also hit the local events
20:39:20 KateMonkey Looking at more local events with more people and more projects available.
20:39:26 KateMonkey Think more of recruitment and community.
20:39:59 KateMonkey List of events, plan it more over the winter, get it all together and cover some of the costs and info.
20:40:08 KateMonkey Action carried towards winter board meeting
20:42:05 KateMonkey action Kate: Talk to Stonebridge City Farm about having a booth at their open day and just giving out flyers and things
20:43:25 KateMonkey Set up a meeting with three directors here and them about partnerships and events and whatnot
20:44:06 KateMonkey EMFCamp:
20:44:57 KateMonkey Dominic thinks that EMFCamp will become as big of a hack event as CCC in Europe.
20:45:08 KateMonkey Right now, Nottingham Hackspace is going to have a fairly small presence.
20:45:17 KateMonkey And that's a shame for a large hackspace.
20:46:00 KateMonkey And now Dominic is suggesting the Hackspace subsidises tickets for two members to also attend.
20:46:23 KateMonkey Board is exempt from winning these tickets
20:46:31 KateMonkey We need a way for people to show that they're interested in it.
20:46:54 KateMonkey Jake thinks that if members actively do something to win, you might not get any interest, and then it's a question about judging.
20:47:00 KateMonkey Jake suggests prize draw is the best option.
20:47:23 KateMonkey James says that we're legally allowed to do this
20:47:50 KateMonkey Dominic lays out the concept of EMFCamp - like a music festival, but for hackers and nerds and other delightful people.
20:48:06 KateMonkey About 500 hackers in fields with talks and workshops and villages
20:48:51 KateMonkey Justin suggests maybe a competition with a prize draw. A fairly easy competition with the end result being drawn out of a hat
20:49:11 KateMonkey Dominic worries that any sort of competition will put people off.
20:50:12 KateMonkey Dominic says that only people who want to go will get into the competition.
20:50:46 KateMonkey We're not going to magic them there, we're just helping people to go.
20:52:07 KateMonkey Action Dominic: Pre-order two tickets, £60 expenditure to reserve the tickets
20:52:17 KateMonkey Get positive about the Nottinghack Village
20:53:01 KateMonkey James wants us to be The Hackspace at EMFCamp
20:54:00 KateMonkey Everyone agrees
20:54:05 KateMonkey Matt: Financial Update:
20:54:09 LWK_mac Quick summary
20:54:09 LWK_mac Start bank balance: £2286.48
20:54:09 LWK_mac Out: £4,557.19
20:54:09 LWK_mac In: £4,770.08
20:54:09 LWK_mac End: £2,499.37
20:54:09 LWK_mac Paypal Start: £57.76
20:54:09 LWK_mac Paypal End: £57.76
20:54:09 LWK_mac Cash Start balance: £249.32
20:54:09 LWK_mac Cash In: £836.37
20:54:09 LWK_mac Cash Out: £908.36
20:54:09 LWK_mac Cash End: £177.33
20:54:09 LWK_mac [edit]Members
20:54:09 LWK_mac Start: 87
20:54:09 LWK_mac New: 10
20:54:09 LWK_mac Ex: 1
20:54:09 LWK_mac End: 96
20:54:09 LWK_mac Average membership due: £13.54
20:54:09 LWK_mac [edit]In/out Breakdown
20:54:09 LWK_mac [edit]Outgoings
20:54:09 LWK_mac BizSpace: £ 4,117.66
20:54:09 LWK_mac Talk talk: £28.74
20:54:09 LWK_mac Insurance: £65.39
20:54:09 LWK_mac Other: £410.79
20:54:09 LWK_mac [edit]Income
20:54:09 LWK_mac Membership dues: £1,189.28
20:54:09 LWK_mac Petty Cash Deposits: £611.00
20:54:09 LWK_mac Workshops: £275.80
20:54:09 LWK_mac Donations: £2,500.00
20:54:09 LWK_mac Events: £
20:54:09 LWK_mac Pledges: £194.00
20:55:44 KateMonkey Dominic explains that BizSpace sent us a large bill because they were not billing us properly.
20:56:00 KateMonkey So Dominic attempted to arrange a billing agreement.
20:56:19 KateMonkey An anonymous donor offered the space an interest-free loan, which will be paid over 12 months
20:56:46 KateMonkey We are now paying £208 each month as part of the outgoing expenses, it's just going to the donor, rather than BizSpace.
20:57:06 KateMonkey The May/June BizSpace bill is the corrected amount.
20:57:35 KateMonkey Over £1000 cash has been turned over in the past month.
20:58:10 KateMonkey Membership up by 10 this month alone.
20:59:34 KateMonkey About 111 members will cover expenses.
21:00:23 KateMonkey Dominic points out that London Hackspace sends out emails saying that the average membership is ___ and the lowest is ___ and guilt-trips them into donating more.
21:01:19 KateMonkey Action Kate: Add that sort of information to the newsletter on a bimonthly basis. (first of the month)
21:01:41 KateMonkey Action James: Update cost of hacking infographic
21:02:06 KateMonkey Justin suggests two-stage membership. Everyone worries about that and says no.
21:04:43 KateMonkey Matt says we need to sort out access to the bank account so that more board members can access it.
21:05:07 KateMonkey Originally set up as a social/group account, but we'll have to switch to a Ltd account.
21:05:45 KateMonkey It would mean that we'll have to open a new account, and then switch over all the standing orders.
21:06:07 KateMonkey This needs to be worked out with NatWest
21:06:26 KateMonkey Switching over the standing orders would also mean that all members would have appropriately individual references to make membership marking easier.
21:07:47 KateMonkey Newsletter:
21:08:15 KateMonkey Dominic suggests that rather than weekly, it's weekly or less
21:08:24 KateMonkey Jake will make a poster.
21:09:01 KateMonkey With all the events and any big news
21:12:22 KateMonkey AOB:
21:12:47 KateMonkey Dominic wants the board meeting in the blue room
21:12:54 KateMonkey Not very inviting to people
21:13:02 KateMonkey Plus the stomp party upstairs
21:14:35 ChickenGrylls (5c1b07ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left IRC. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
21:15:08 KateMonkey Justin asks about joint membership and hangers-on
21:15:19 KateMonkey Debate about whether or not we tell people to have individual memberships or not.
21:15:59 KateMonkey Nobody thinks it's an issue, and then we move on. Justin just thinks that, financially, it's not as fair as it could be.
21:16:18 KateMonkey Jake says it fits into the "pay what you feel is right" sort of thing, and that's it's all good.
21:17:04 KateMonkey Dominic points out that the only problem is one RFID card swapped between people
21:18:22 KateMonkey Meeting over.
21:18:23 kimjonggill Say goodbye Kate