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Revision as of 00:19, 12 June 2014

Rubik's Cube Footrest
Primary Contact Michael Erskine
Created {{{created}}}
Completed {{{completeddate}}}
Dormant {{{dormantdate}}}
Version {{{version}}}
Members {{{members}}}
Manufacturer {{{manufacturer}}}
Model {{{model}}}
Location [[{{{location}}}]]
GitHub / Repo {{{repo}}}
Status {{{status}}}
Type Undefined
Live Status {{{livestatus}}}
QR code

A small piece of custom furniture in the style of a Rubik's Cube.

  • scale and design
    • A Rubik's Cube is typically 58mm along one edge. Each edge is subdivided into 3.
    • the footrest wants to be a convenient height for use as a small coffee table as well as a good height for a typical couch.
  • scrap 9mm MDF sheet cut to 33cm square
A rough MDF box
  • scrap softwood timber for corner strengthening
45 degree scrap wood corners
Cut to exact angles with mitre saw
Glued and screwed in place