User talk:Msemtd
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Small off-grid for the garden...
Plus the solar rig built at hackspace.
Project Plans: -
- achievement awards for hackers
- gentle path for acquiring skills
- "You have unlocked a new achievement"
- badges, certificates, icons!
- laser induction
- woodworking tools induction
- sewing/knitting machine
- welding and metalwork
- circuit design and etch-tank
- Workshop: Electronics From Scratch is Easy - a Nottingham Hackspace geek's introduction to electronics and why you can do it!
- machining
- shoe repair - glues, heavy duty sewing, sugru, bicycle tyres
- put wheels on things!
- put faces on things!
- Inappropriate Technology
- bike trailer
- car trailer
- like the ones my dad made
- steel angle from bed frames
- indespension units for wheels
- I think these original Mini ones are the thing:
- submarine
- ERTs
- stick a PC at the base of each and tap into its serial comms
- build a SIP phone from one end of the HackSpace to the other with the two phones perhaps mounted outside the front and back doors!
Fabrication - object printing
- T-shirt printing
- Culture references
- "Outside Context Problem"
- "Special Circumstances"
- "I can't believe it's not better"
- Laser cutting
- CNC machine
- Martin's CNC machine
- 3d Printing with RepReap
- just laser printing
- circuit board etching
First use of laser cutter: -
- Veralite board 3 dingdongs of the power dial and speed of? melty
IRC Bots
Various AI
Logging and statting
Who's in web indicator
Hackspace is ON/OFF web indicator
- Weigh components!
- New base, new alu motor brackets
- Motors: test drive commands with PWM enable line - power from AA batt pack
- test MICRO LED
- volume control from command line sudo /etc/acpi/ ??
- shutdown eeePC from command line "sudo shutdown now"
- IP publish with wget
- test voice recognition
- new Java code on eeepc: add Mapping class
- choose a grid size and calculate the requirements for navigating the Hackspace - could do dynamic map and discovery
- "Unexpected item in the bagging area"
- "Somebody move this wall"
- "Somebody move this person" (PIR detection required)
- When no goal start mapping the room
- Work on the IRC module
- ad-hoc commands using bean method introspection or BeanShell scripts
LED NTI board
- triangular key
- EDF protocol
Lie bot (
Joule Thief
I have a 2N3704 transistor (rather than a 2N3904) so the Base, Collector, and Emitter of this NPN are in different locations...
I also have a regular 2xAA battery holder which somebody has hacked and is slightly melted on one side! I will use this as a single AA battery holder. So my toroid centre tap goes to battery +ve.
Project first build complete (with on/off switch) - upload pictures to the various feeds.
There's now a Joule Thief workshop!
Plan a multiple build with the various found components. I cracked open the ballast electronics of a broken CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp - an energy saving light bulb) to get at the ferrite and NPN transistor that live in there! I got a nice-sized ferrite toroid and an MJE13001 NPN transistor (these things seem to be in most CFLs).
I wound the ferrite toroid with a pair of fine wires stripped from a PC CD drive audio cable and managed to get 7 winds neatly in there.
BTW: here's a good write-up on CFL electronics:
My random NPN transistors: -
Battery casings: -
- light-up Santa - lots of room inside - primed for hilarity
- Quartz clock - small and handy - shall do this one first
- plain 2x AA battery holder - boring - done that!
Vikay LCD module
Also other LCD and VFD displays
- 16 pins
- same as the one on Cheesoid?
Dominic's catch phrase!
- but DONE is not well defined!
- I prefer DONE RIGHT!
- but DONE RIGHT is not well defined!
- I prefer DONE RIGHT!
- but MORE is not well defined!
- MORE stuff to do? MORE problems?
- I don't think this works or me!
- but WORKS is not well defined!
- ad-nausium...
As a phrase I just wasn't getting this at all - it only made sense if you already know what's behind it.
EGA displays
- workshop to fit the level of the attendees
- touch on the theory, science, history, cultural significance, of skin marking
- no humans will be tattooed!
- bring a grapefruit or thin-skinned orange - this will be our "customer"
- this will free us to concentrate on the mechanics
- removes the need for a massive portion of the essential education in tattooing: steralisation
- touch on cross-contamination
- modern tattooing in a "shop" environment
- the Huck Spalding book
- inks, pigments
- needle groupings for lining, shading, fine-line, special effects, etc.
- laying in the colour
- skin normalisation and stretching
- healing and scarring
Festivus 2014
- Magpie Best ale ordered from Bob Douglas 05-12-2014
- David Clarke kindly collected from the brewery (paid from Hackspace cash)
- cash to be collected from pledge and paid into Hackspace account
Who | How Much | Paid | Method Paid | Drunk? |
Michael E | £10 | Y | Cash to Michael (hold on, how does this work?) | gimme a minute |
Mouse | £10 | Y | Cash to Michael | Not Yet |
Spencer Owen | £10 | |||
Chelim Yrneh (Michel) | £5 | |||
Dominic | £20 | Y | BACS | |
Ian Dickinson | £10 | Y | Cash to Michael (16/12/2014) | |
Chunky | £10 | Y | Cash to Michael (16/12/2014) |
Pledges Raised: £75.00
Pledges Collected: £60.00 / £75.00 (80.00%)
Tools Info
One day in Jan 2016 an enthusiastic brand new member was working on a project and asked me how I would cut something accurately. We had a talk about the options and we looked at the bandsaws one by one - they were all out of order. I tried to find out about the various statuses online and where I could find/get spare blades The wiki tool lists are out of date (understandably!) and not maintained (e.g. Tools/We_Have has no mention of 4 of our bandsaws) - searches find lots of old pages that nobody needs.
What people want to see is a live status page for the major fixed-down tools - the tools team can keep this reviewed and up to date. For reporting problems, I'd like to see a quick means that doesn't need a computer: -
- Have a physical rfid box with say 6 buttons on it.
- Member scans Rfid and presses button for broken tool.
- Magic happens and tools team is informed via slack.
- Member can be emailed for more information
- Website hms tool status page is magically updated with red cross against tool
- Github issue is magically opened to track the problem
- Big green Startrite - in metalwork area - massive! - Startrite_Bandsaw - Startrite_metal_bandsaw_pledge
- big other Startrite just outside dusty area - no info
- Fox in dusty area Fox_Bandsaw - page says pledge in progress
- Yellow Schneider SCH190 Benchtop_Bandsaw
Badges for No Ditching
- Artwork
- Badgemaker guides