2023-04-05 Transcript: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "<pre> Andrew Armstrong 20:03 Roll call Betty, Malcolm, Steve, Jason, Bob, Andrew W, Andrew A, Ali Maq, James Spence, Mike Haber, Etana, Aaron, Douglas, Kyle, Chris (edited)..."
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Latest revision as of 23:02, 30 October 2023

Andrew Armstrong
Roll call
Betty, Malcolm, Steve, Jason, Bob, Andrew W, Andrew A, Ali Maq, James Spence, Mike Haber, Etana, Aaron, Douglas, Kyle, Chris (edited) 
Meeting Start
Announcements and Events
Combat Robotics - several kits will be available on Eventbrite for the next workshop. 6th of May.
Hack the Space Day - Successful day! Next one Sunday 11th of June.
One Shot Wonders - next session 20th of April, second session of Traveller by Duncan, is at capacity.
Alternatives to Slack being looked at - 3 month history on Slack is causing all kinds of issues, and we can't afford to pay per-user to unlock history (cripplingly high cost). Test Discord is being setup and tested. If you want to test it out ask for an invite from Steve.
Trustee Elections - Self nominations start soon - watch for the email!
Team Updates

Andrew Armstrong
Craft - Might have to look at the industrial machine soon. Get it fixed again, bobbin is misbehaving. Do we want to put the motor on with speed control for £120? (service is £80)
It's up for debate if we want a new machine
People are perhaps using it too roughly and breaking it
Signage and information on slack will be done
Debate on the motor replacement or new sewing machine on Slack since it's so fast
3D Printing
New team lead Chris Reddish (NOTE: This was amended from Chris K, sorry both of you - Andrew Armstrong)
Putting team back together again - Duncan, Paul, Adam and others. Dave still involved too.
Reviewing 3D Printers and enclosures
People using more than 65% power - please don't put it above this! It will be made clear on signage and in emails.
New bin for waste materials will be purchased
Myford is out of order for the time being
Planer thicknesser having issues but fixed by Malcolm and Bob
Cleaned area in Hack the Space day, really well done there!
Team Template Review
Mike explained the proposal of new team template: https://wiki.nottinghack.org.uk/wiki/Proposed_Team_Template

Andrew Armstrong
Bob: Person Specification - not too sure about the need to be good at communicating with the membership
Douglas: Suggestion that it may be just apply to Team Lead?
Bob: Financial stuff - What does this mean? Needs specifying
Steve: It starts with just reporting when things are purchased for the team to the Trustees.
Andrew W: As a "job spec" "Qualities should include" so it includes the points but softens the language.
Steve: You need the team to cover those areas between them.
Mike: May make sense to do that.
Ali: Reads really formally
Andrew: It helps describe the roles which were not included before and needs to be clear to new members.
Ali: I'm not sure I'd be in a team if there was a big application
Mike: It's a minor meeting with team lead or trustees. Not particularly a lot.
James: Roles - Can team lead can be covered by members?
Steve: Yes team lead can delegate
Andrew: Team leads can post on slack and other team members can report in the meeting. Or email in.
Gareth: Person spec - Would be good to be explicit for the support structure if the team starts going awry. Vague terms like personable, but people might not be. May be problems within a team. Could extend "responsible for applications" to "and the running of the team". Have seen teams fall about because of tensions between team members.
Mike: Would be nice to know what people would like to see in the definition. If people drift away, busy or something how do you manage that? what point do you step in and put in another team leader or maintainer or inductor?
Betty: To begin with having people respond to the emails monthly.
Gareth: Dynamic of the team how it can be supported.
Steve: Should be a more gentle "sorting out" in between delegation and ignorance of issues.
Bob: Should be the Team Leaders responsibilities to report when they're unable to be team lead.
Mike: I agree it isn't noted explicitly however.
Bob: Should be the Trustees keep an eye and close an area if a Team isn't active and there are potential safety issues.
Andrew W: Trustees oversee it and responsibilities need keeping an eye on. If a team member is gently removed it shouldn't be a problem if they are tried to contact them. Things like not being able to get an induction and there are inductors not active then they be removed.
Mike: Previously lots of roles like maintenance and inductions are added.
Steve: Remove the defunct line "You should be visiting the space fortnightly to check on the area and whiteboard" - particularly the whiteboard bit.
Mike: Didn't want to remove anything was going to get confusing.
Ali: About whiteboard - "check fortnight and communicate any issues found"
Andrew: Any objections to the Team Lead addition?
Noted no complaints
Mike: Can also do Trustees
Financial Update

Andrew Armstrong
Electricity is high - space heaters are certainly one of the main causes of this. This is being investigated.
Insurance went out as a yearly payment
Business Rate refunds make the graphs look really silly
Some increases to some costs going on - cleaners and rent and business rates - will see this impact in future months
Finances are "steady" - not trending downwards fast but not going up so we can't do major improvements without big impacts on the bank account
5 files
1 Income.PNG

2 - Expenditure.PNG

3 Income vs Expenditure.PNG

4 Income, Expenditure and Bank.PNG

5 Expenditure, Income and Bank.PNG

Comfy Area:
Andrew W: Area is becoming a tip. A target for the next Hack the Space day would be a good idea.
Andrew A: Projector needs replacing as a priority.
Mike: Not sure how to clean it up.
Steve: Furniture needs a refresh.
Betty: The books are a problem since some are on long term loan
Andrew: A nightmare to sort
Andrew W: Make a generic call to action to make it clear there will be a clearout and arbitrary what we throw away.
Andrew W: Can be point of contact
Trustees will warn members in general via. email and Slack about it being done at the next Hack the Space day.
Send a message to Steve to get an invite to the Discord
Meeting Closed