Action list: Difference between revisions

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Line 70: Line 70:
| 20120307-09
| 20120307-09
| Find historical minutes and add to wiki
| Find historical minutes and add to wiki
| Open
| Complete
| [[2012-03-07_Minutes|BM]]
| [[2012-03-07_Minutes|BM]]
| James and David Hayward
| James and David Hayward
Line 102: Line 102:
| 20120801-01
| 20120801-01
| Add Historical minutes to Wiki
| Add Historical minutes to Wiki
| Open
| Complete
| [[2012-08-01_Minutes|BM]]
| [[2012-08-01_Minutes|BM]]
| James
| James
Line 134: Line 134:
| 20120905-02
| 20120905-02
| Change Door codes and email membership
| Change Door codes and email membership
| Open
| Complete
| [[2012-09-05_Minutes|BM]]
| [[2012-09-05_Minutes|BM]]
| Complete
| Complete
Line 162: Line 162:
| James and Dominic
| James and Dominic
| 27/04/13
| 27/04/13
| Positioned on Hackspace Organiser list, Graham emailed with details of plan
| Positioned on Hackspace Organiser list, Graham emailed with details of plan.  Call to makers completed
| 20120905-06
| 20120905-06
Line 190: Line 190:
| 20120905-09
| 20120905-09
| Organise Monthly Hack the Space days
| Organise Monthly Hack the Space days
| Open
| Ongoing
| [[2012-09-05_Minutes|BM]]
| [[2012-09-05_Minutes|BM]]
| David C
| David C
Line 222: Line 222:
| 20121003-02
| 20121003-02
| Store chairs in Dominic's office and decide space used
| Store chairs in Dominic's office and decide space used
| Open
| Complete
| [[2012-10-03_Minutes|BM]]
| [[2012-10-03_Minutes|BM]]
| Dominic
| Dominic
Line 294: Line 294:
| 20121107-05
| 20121107-05
| Obtain quote for legal advice re. young hackers
| Obtain quote for legal advice re. young hackers
| Open
| Cancelled
| [[2012-11-07_Minutes|BM]]
| [[2012-11-07_Minutes|BM]]
| James
| James
| 05/12/12
| 05/12/12
| Lawyer advised too expensive
| 20121107-06
| 20121107-06
| Talk to NTU re young hackers
| Talk to NTU re young hackers
| Open
| Cancelled
| [[2012-11-07_Minutes|BM]]
| [[2012-11-07_Minutes|BM]]
| David H
| David H
| 05/12/12
| 05/12/12
| See 20121107-05
| 20121107-07
| 20121107-07
Line 330: Line 330:
| David H, Kate
| David H, Kate
| 05/12/12
| 05/12/12
| 20121205-01
| Buy initial stock of fixings, and new parts drawer.  Budget £100 for fixings, £30 for drawers
| Open
| [[2012-12-05_Minutes|BM]]
| David C, Matt Ll
| 02/01/13
| 20121205-02
| Buy large gas canister for welding
| Open
| [[2012-12-05_Minutes|BM]]
| Russell
| 06/02/13
| 20121205-03
| Prepare documentation for Young Hackers and send to list
| Open
| [[2012-12-05_Minutes|BM]]
| James H, Kate B
| 02/01/13

Revision as of 21:30, 6 December 2012

This is the combined action list from board meetings. It was started on 8th March 2012, but only current actions were added. This will eventually keep track of all current actions with updates.

ID Action Status Source Owner Due Date Updates
20120307-01 April board meeting to move to 8pm Complete BM James Hayward 04/04/2012 Complete
20120307-02 Email list for ideas to up membership Cancelled BM Marcus 04/04/2012 See Expanding our membership (starting on the wiki rather than by email)
20120307-03 Set up petty cash Complete BM James Hayward 11/03/2012 Petty cash tin setup and returned to the space on 11/03/2012
20120307-04 Draft constitution out for comment Complete BM James Hayward 04/04/2012 This was late, but went out for comment before the AGM. Constitution was agreed at AGM
20120307-05 Member Discussion re. troublesome members process Complete BM James Hayward 04/04/2012 Discussion started, 13/03/2012. Discussion points integrated into constitution
20120307-06 Clean DB and change access codes Complete BM David Hayward 04/04/2012 Done --'RepRap' Matt 02:05, 4 May 2012 (EST)
20120307-07 Set up pledge for welding mask (and collect money) Complete BM Marcus 04/04/2012 See Welding_equipment#Electronic_welding_mask
20120307-08 Redesign spray booth to allow welding Cancelled BM Tony and Max 04/04/2012
20120307-09 Find historical minutes and add to wiki Complete BM James and David Hayward 04/04/2012 Minutes sent. 14/6/12 - I'm still ploughing through these James
20120307-10 Print test flyers on risograph Complete BM Marcus 04/04/2012 See Risograph GR3750‎
20120307-11 Proposal for area for leaving projects for a few days Cancelled BM Pat 04/04/2012
20120404-01 Purchase and fit appropriate code lock for front door Complete BM Matt Lloyd
20120801-01 Add Historical minutes to Wiki Complete BM James 05/09/12
20120801-02 Member Audit Complete BM David, Matt Ll 05/09/12
20120801-03 Update Companies House with new Board Members Complete BM Matt Ll, David H 05/09/12
20120905-01 Sign BizSpace contract Complete BM Dominic 03/10/12
20120905-02 Change Door codes and email membership Complete BM Complete 12/09/12
20120905-03 Get Matt Lloyd access to bank account Open BM Dominic, Matt Ll 03/10/12
20120905-04 But event shelter (in February) barring financial disaster Open BM Kate 28/02/13
20120905-05 Liase with other Hackspaces and O'Reilly re. Maker Faire Open BM James and Dominic 27/04/13 Positioned on Hackspace Organiser list, Graham emailed with details of plan. Call to makers completed
20120905-06 Organise Halloween party Complete BM Kate 27/10/12
20120905-07 Organise Festivus Party Open BM Dominic 22/12/12
20120905-08 Obtain Quote for cleaner Open BM Dominic 03/10/12
20120905-09 Organise Monthly Hack the Space days Ongoing BM David C 03/10/12
20120905-10 Pick up 6 crates of Club Mate from Manchester Open BM Dominic, Warren 03/10/12
20120905-11 Set up 2x Demo Arduino kits Complete BM Michael E 03/10/12
20121003-01 Draft expenses policy for discussion on mailing list Open BM David H 07/11/12
20121003-02 Store chairs in Dominic's office and decide space used Complete BM Dominic 07/11/12
20121003-03 Produce "This is Hackspace" video Open BM Dominic, Jake, David H 18/11/12
20121003-04 Obtain quotes for stickers Open BM Dominic 5/12/12 Kate to take over (from 07/11/12 BM)
20121003-05 Cost new shelves for Members room Open BM Matt Ll 07/11/12 Need to price two sheets of 18mm ply --'RepRap' Matt (talk) 15:37, 5 December 2012 (EST)
20121003-06 Produce light switch map Complete BM Matt Ll 07/11/12 Tim and Dan did one a while ago, Locking_up
20121107-01 Pay David Clarke's expenses for Wood Lathe (£66) Open BM Dominic 05/12/12
20121107-02 Talk to Wendy about expenses for Wood Lathe (~£100) Open BM Dominic 05/12/12
20121107-03 Email list regarding historic wood lathe pledges Open BM David C 05/12/12
20121107-04 Review Pillar Drill pledge and assess suitable options Open BM Dominic and Russell 05/12/12
20121107-05 Obtain quote for legal advice re. young hackers Cancelled BM James 05/12/12 Lawyer advised too expensive
20121107-06 Talk to NTU re young hackers Cancelled BM David H 05/12/12 See 20121107-05
20121107-07 Buy ear defenders for workshop, budget £20 Open BM Mouse 05/12/12
20121107-08 Obtain mask(s) and filters Open BM Matt Lloyd, Mouse 05/12/12 Passing on to Mouse--'RepRap' Matt (talk) 15:27, 5 December 2012 (EST)
20121107-09 Guidance for new members regarding membership amount Open BM David H, Kate 05/12/12
20121205-01 Buy initial stock of fixings, and new parts drawer. Budget £100 for fixings, £30 for drawers Open BM David C, Matt Ll 02/01/13
20121205-02 Buy large gas canister for welding Open BM Russell 06/02/13
20121205-03 Prepare documentation for Young Hackers and send to list Open BM James H, Kate B 02/01/13