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=Waste Volume Sensing=
===Waste Volume Sensing===
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Revision as of 12:05, 13 January 2014

Counting Poo
Primary Contact Matt Little
Created {{{created}}}
Completed {{{completeddate}}}
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This is a project via Nicola Greene to assist International NGO, Water for People with their work in Uganda.

The NGO install latrines in various urban and rural areas in Uganda. They have been having an issue with the fill rates of the latrines and are wanting to get real data on the use of the latrines. This means recoding visits to the latrines and counting the number of flushes made. Knowledge of the volume and weight of the deposits made each visit would be an added bonus.

A good overview of the problem and project is available here: For more on why sanitation is important:

The device must be:

  • Robust
  • Easy to install on existing equipment
  • Low cost ($50-$200 budget per unit)

Hackday 11/1/14

Primary Objective:

  • Produce a prototype to monitor a 'flush' event and record that data.

Secondary Objectives:

  • Determine flush volume
  • Determine solid/liquid proportion in flush
  • Determine pit volume

Brainstormed ideas

Flush Sensing

Idea Description Advantages Disadvantages
Mechanical Flap A hinged/moving cover on the waste pipe outflow that is moved by a flush. Simple and robust.
Maintainable in-situ.
Low or zero power.
Risk of causing blockage.
Metallic components will corrode in high humidity/heat?
Beam break (across pipe) An IR/visible light beam is transmitted across the pipe. A flush breaks the beam. Cheap components
Solid-state solution
Waste on either transmitter or receiver will cause false readings
Reflective Sensor An IR/visible Tx/Rx pair is underneath the outflow pipe. The beam is reflected by a flush into the receiver. Cheap components
Solid-state solution
Can be "baffled" to stop waste interfering with sensing
Can waste be completely eliminated from getting in the way?
Temperature Sensor A temperature sensor (probably a thermistor) is mounted on/in the waste pipe. A flush changes the temperature. Cheap components
Solid-state solution
Not affected by buildup of waste (unless large amounts are present
Relies on temperature difference between waste and ambient pit temperature
May be too slow to react to changes
May have to be placed within flow, possible restriction/blockage
May require designing to be flush with pipe surface
Piezo/microphone Sensor A piezo or microphone is placed on the pipe. A flush causes vibrations that are picked up and amplified for sensing. Solid-state solution Requires significant analog circuitry for signal conditioning
Requires significant software for signal processing
Unknown effect of other vibration sources (e.g. nearby road)
Possible that waste on sensor will dampen/alter vibration characteristics
Moisture Sensor A moisture sensor is placed within the pipe. A flush changes the resistance of the sensor. Low cost, solid-state solution Has to be placed within flow, possible restriction/blockage
May require designing to be flush with pipe surface

Waste Volume Sensing

Ultrasonic Sensor An ultrasonic Tx/Rx pair placed on the pit lid will measure distance from lid to top-of-waste
With knowledge of the dimensions of the pit, this will allow volume calculation.
Non-contact, solid-state sensing Relatively high cost
Must be calibrate to pit dimensions for best data
Likely to be incompatible with "tiger worm tray" composting addition?
Resistive/Capacitive Sensor A series of sensors on a "pole" mounted vertically in the pit will be used to measure depth. Potential to be very simple, low-cost solution Sensors in contact with waste need to be protected against corrosion

Tested ideas



The basic circuit was a 10K thermistor and 10K resistor forming a potential divider. The voltage was measured with an oscilloscope/Arduino.


A thermistor placed on the outside of the pipe is not suitable. The pipe conducts heat too slowly, and the heat transfer for one flush is very low.

A thermistor placed within the pipe (as flush to surface as possible) was more successful. A large voltage change was apparent when a flush occurred.


With careful design to mitigate risk of blockage due to obstruction in pipe, this method shows promise.

The requirement that there be a temperature difference between waste and ambient remains a concern.

This method may have to be used in conjunction with other sensors.

IR beam
