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The space often uses names of AI's/Computers from various Sci-Fi related stuff (Movies/TV/Books/Comics/etc) for naming our various network attached computer devices and services.

Currently assigned

List of names previously used:

  • Clank - Mono A3 Laser
  • Marvin - Mono A4 Laser
  • YooCNC - CNC mill control PC in workshop
  • Hex - Snackspace pc in kitchen

List of reserved names:

  • HAL 9000
  • LCARS - reserved for snackspace

List of possible names for future use:

  • Cortana
  • KITT
  • S.A.R.A.H
  • The Intersect
  • Deep thought
  • R.I.P.L.E.Y
  • D.A.R.Y.L.
  • Skynet
  • ED-209
  • LCZero
  • Clearcutter (Futurama)
  • Flexo (Futurama)