Whilst working with the Xino, Paperduino, stripboarduino, breaduino, etc. I find that I need to keep swapping my microprocessor chips in and out of my Duemilanove to program them. Now, this isn't because I haven't tried programming them in-situ - I have and I have failed miserably!
Now I have one of these bad boys: a UM232R development module: -
- http://www.ftdichip.com/Products/Modules/DevelopmentModules.htm#UM232R
- Datasheet: http://www.ftdichip.com/Support/Documents/DataSheets/Modules/DS_UM232R.pdf
Which is great, but I still haven't dedicated enough time to making it do all the Arduino programming tasks I require. So here I intend to detail my thoughts and document what I find out.
OK, most people have a cool FTDI cable with 5 or 6 pins. I don't have one and I feel less of a hacker because of it! I want to make the UM232R act like one of those.