Speffz BLD tools
From Nottinghack Wiki
A program to generate a BLD memo sequence in speffz from a standard WCA scramble.
A work-in-progress: needs scramble parser and performer
#!perl -w
use strict;
use Data::Dumper::Simple;
print "yo, let's speffz it up...\n";
my $scr = shift || "R U R' U'";
my $debug = 1;
my $cs = fresh_cube();
#~ print $cs;
#~ print "\n";
my $p = draw($cs);
print $p;
print "\n";
## Unscrambled 3x3 cube state in speffz format
sub fresh_cube {
my $s = "";
foreach('A'..'X') { $s .= $_ . lc($_); }
return $s;
## Split speffz cube state into 6 faces
sub faces {
local $_ = shift;
die unless /^(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})$/;
return ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
## Draw the given cube state as a human-friendly net
# here we can support different face orders
# ULFRBD is the speffz standard though
# +-+
# |U|
# +-+-+-+-+
# |L|F|R|B|
# +-+-+-+-+
# |D|
# +-+
# AaB
# d*b
# DcC
# h*fl*jp*nt*r
# UuV
# x*v
# XwW
# +-+-+-+
# |A|a|B|
# +-+-+-+
# |d|*|b|
# +-+-+-+
# |D|c|C|
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# |E|e|F|I|i|J|M|m|N|Q|q|R|
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# |h|*|f|l|*|j|p|*|n|t|*|r|
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# |H|g|G|L|k|K|P|o|O|T|s|S|
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# |U|u|V|
# +-+-+-+
# |x|*|v|
# +-+-+-+
# |X|w|W|
# +-+-+-+
sub draw {
my $s = shift;
my $boxes = 1;
my @a = faces($s);
#~ print Dumper(\@a);
#~ print "\n";
my @rd = map{ facerows($_) }@a;
#~ print Dumper(\@rd);
#~ print "\n";
my @rows;
# here we can set up the drawing style to use - raw or boxes
my $dent = $boxes ? ' 'x6 : ' 'x3;
my $v = $boxes ? "|" : "";
# U
my ($u, $l, $f, $r, $b, $d) = @rd;
if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$u->[0]}).$v;
if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$u->[1]}).$v;
if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$u->[2]}).$v;
if($boxes) { push @rows, "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"; }
push @rows, $v.join($v, @{$l->[0]}).$v.join($v, @{$f->[0]}).$v.join($v, @{$r->[0]}).$v.join($v, @{$b->[0]}).$v;
if($boxes) { push @rows, "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"; }
push @rows, $v.join($v, @{$l->[1]}).$v.join($v, @{$f->[1]}).$v.join($v, @{$r->[1]}).$v.join($v, @{$b->[1]}).$v;
if($boxes) { push @rows, "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"; }
push @rows, $v.join($v, @{$l->[2]}).$v.join($v, @{$f->[2]}).$v.join($v, @{$r->[2]}).$v.join($v, @{$b->[2]}).$v;
if($boxes) { push @rows, "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"; }
push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$d->[0]}).$v;
if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$d->[1]}).$v;
if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$d->[2]}).$v;
if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
return join("\n", @rows);
sub facerows {
local $_ = shift;
my @c = split //;
return [[$c[0], $c[1], $c[2]], [$c[7], '*', $c[3]], [$c[6], $c[5], $c[4]]];