Speffz BLD tools

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A program to generate a BLD memo sequence in speffz from a standard WCA scramble.

A work-in-progress: needs scramble parser and performer

#!perl -w
use strict;
use tmstub;
=for docs

This is in perl for brevity but could be any language - it's just a vehicle 
for the programming concepts.


apply given scramble
unit tests
generic abstract canvas style GUI
port it to various other languages
Transforms for each face turn move
Words for letter pairs!

t "Yo, let's speffz it up...";

my $scr = shift || "R U R' U'";
my $debug = 1;
my $cs = fresh_cube();
#~ print $cs;
#~ print "\n";
my $p = draw($cs, 1);
t $p;
$p = draw($cs, 0);
t $p;

## Unscrambled 3x3 cube state in speffz format - clockwise lettering of stickers
sub fresh_cube {
    my $s = "";
    foreach('A'..'X') { $s .= $_ . lc($_); }
    return $s;	

## Split speffz cube state into 6 faces
sub faces {
    local $_ = shift;
    die unless /^(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})$/;
    return ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); 

## Draw the given cube state as a human-friendly net
# here we can support different face orders
# ULFRBD is the speffz standard though
#     +-+
#     |U|
#   +-+-+-+-+
#   |L|F|R|B|
#   +-+-+-+-+
#     |D|
#     +-+
#       AaB
#       d*b
#       DcC
#    EeFIiJMmNQqR
#    h*fl*jp*nt*r
#    HgGLkKPoOTsS
#       UuV
#       x*v
#       XwW
#           +-+-+-+
#           |A|a|B|
#           +-+-+-+
#           |d|*|b|
#           +-+-+-+
#           |D|c|C|
#     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
#     |E|e|F|I|i|J|M|m|N|Q|q|R|
#     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
#     |h|*|f|l|*|j|p|*|n|t|*|r|
#     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
#     |H|g|G|L|k|K|P|o|O|T|s|S|
#     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
#           |U|u|V|
#           +-+-+-+
#           |x|*|v|
#           +-+-+-+
#           |X|w|W|
#           +-+-+-+
sub draw {
    my $s = shift;
    my $boxes = shift;
    my @a = faces($s);
    #~ print Dumper(\@a);
    #~ print "\n";
    my @rd = map{ facerows($_) }@a;
    #~ print Dumper(\@rd);
    #~ print "\n";
    my @rows;
    # here we can set up the drawing style to use - raw or boxes
    my $dent = $boxes ? ' 'x6 : ' 'x3;
    my $v = $boxes ? "|" : "";
    # U
    my ($u, $l, $f, $r, $b, $d) = @rd;
    if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
    push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$u->[0]}).$v;
    if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
    push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$u->[1]}).$v;
    if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
    push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$u->[2]}).$v;
    if($boxes) { push @rows, "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"; }
    push @rows, $v.join($v, @{$l->[0]}).$v.join($v, @{$f->[0]}).$v.join($v, @{$r->[0]}).$v.join($v, @{$b->[0]}).$v;
    if($boxes) { push @rows, "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"; }
    push @rows, $v.join($v, @{$l->[1]}).$v.join($v, @{$f->[1]}).$v.join($v, @{$r->[1]}).$v.join($v, @{$b->[1]}).$v;
    if($boxes) { push @rows, "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"; }
    push @rows, $v.join($v, @{$l->[2]}).$v.join($v, @{$f->[2]}).$v.join($v, @{$r->[2]}).$v.join($v, @{$b->[2]}).$v;
    if($boxes) { push @rows, "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"; }
    push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$d->[0]}).$v;
    if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
    push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$d->[1]}).$v;
    if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
    push @rows, $dent.$v.join($v, @{$d->[2]}).$v;
    if($boxes) { push @rows, $dent."+-+-+-+"; }
    return join("\n", @rows);

## Convert a face into 3 rows of 3 stickers - top to bottom, left to right
sub facerows {
    local $_ = shift;
    my @c = split //;
    return [[$c[0], $c[1], $c[2]], [$c[7], '*', $c[3]], [$c[6], $c[5], $c[4]]];